Oprah Winfrey is the protagonist of the story to be told here, but this book has broader intentions, begins Eva Illouz in this original examination of how and why this talk show host has become a pervasive symbol in American culture. Unlike studies of talk shows that decry debased cultural standards and impoverished political consciousness, Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery asks us to rethink our perceptions of culture in general and popular culture in particular.
At a time when crises of morality, beliefs, value systems, and personal worth dominate both public and private...
Oprah Winfrey is the protagonist of the story to be told here, but this book has broader intentions, begins Eva Illouz in this original examination of...
'Cold Intimacies' dispels some conventionally received ideas: namely, that capitalism has created an emotional world dominated by bureaucratic rationality, that economic behavior conflicts with intimate, authentic relationships, that public and private spheres are opposed to each other, and much more.
'Cold Intimacies' dispels some conventionally received ideas: namely, that capitalism has created an emotional world dominated by bureaucratic rationa...
This book dispels some conventionally received ideas: namely, that capitalism has created an emotional world dominated by bureaucratic rationality; that economic behavior conflicts with intimate, authentic relationships; that the public and private spheres are irremediably opposed to each other; and that true love is opposed to calculation and to self-interest. This book argues that the culture of capitalism has fostered an intensely emotional culture, in the workplace, in the family, and in our own relationship to ourselves. More: this book argues that economic relations have become deeply...
This book dispels some conventionally received ideas: namely, that capitalism has created an emotional world dominated by bureaucratic rationality; th...
Looks at the ways social change is expressed through debates over identities and bodies. In bodies and selves, we can see politics, economics, and culture play out, and the tensions and crises of society made visible. The women's movement, lobbies for the elderly, pro-choice and pro-life movements, AIDS research and education, pedophilia and repressed memory, global sports spectacles, organ donor networks, campaigns for safe sex, chastity, or preventive medicine--all are aspects of the contemporary politics of bodies and identities touched on in this book. Three broad themes run through the...
Looks at the ways social change is expressed through debates over identities and bodies. In bodies and selves, we can see politics, economics, and cul...
The language of psychology is all-pervasive in American culture--from The Sopranos to Oprah, from the abundance of self-help books to the private consulting room, and from the support group to the magazine advice column. Saving the Modern Soul examines the profound impact of therapeutic discourse on our lives and on our contemporary notions of identity. Eva Illouz plumbs today's particular cultural moment to understand how and why psychology has secured its place at the core of modern identity. She examines a wide range of sources to show how self-help culture has...
The language of psychology is all-pervasive in American culture--from The Sopranos to Oprah, from the abundance of self-help books to th...
Zu den kulturellen Widersprüchen, die den Kapitalismus kennzeichnen sollen, gehört der Gegensatz von romantischem Liebesideal und der kalten Welt der Ökonomie. Das in den USA preisgekrönte und in Deutschland hymnisch besprochene Buch zeigt dagegen auf, inwiefern die beiden Sphären sich längst wechselseitig beeinflussen und miteinander verschmelzen: Galt die romantische Liebe als letztes Refugium in einer kommerzialisierten Welt, so zeigt Eva Illouz, wie sich etwa die Paarbeziehung unter dem Einfluß des totalen Konsums verändert hat. Die kollektive Utopie der Liebe, einst als...
Zu den kulturellen Widersprüchen, die den Kapitalismus kennzeichnen sollen, gehört der Gegensatz von romantischem Liebesideal und der kalten Welt de...
Few of us have been spared the agonies of intimate relationships. They come in many shapes: loving a man or a woman who will not commit to us, being heartbroken when we're abandoned by a lover, engaging in Sisyphean internet searches, coming back lonely from bars, parties, or blind dates, feeling bored in a relationship that is so much less than we had envisaged - these are only some of the ways in which the search for love is a difficult and often painful experience.
Despite the widespread and almost collective character of these experiences, our culture insists they are the result of...
Few of us have been spared the agonies of intimate relationships. They come in many shapes: loving a man or a woman who will not commit to us, being h...