Charting the End Times, by bestselling Left Behind(R) author Tim LaHaye and prophecy expert Thomas Ice, has sold nearly 75,000 copies in less than a year. Now we offer an instructive, practical study guide to complement the book.
Designed for use by individuals or study groups, Charting the End Times Prophecy Study Guide takes readers step by step through the high points of Bible prophecy with helpful charts that offer a clear picture of what will happen and when in the last days. Readers will welcome this interactive study about the Rapture, the...
Charting the End Times, by bestselling Left Behind(R) author Tim LaHaye and prophecy expert Thomas Ice, has sold nearly 75,000 copies in les...
This groundbreaking book challenges decades of misrepresentation of Christian Zionism and questionable theology, exploding the myth that J. N. Darby stole the doctrine of the pretribulation rapture from his contemporaries. By revealing the truth behind the man and his message, Paul Wilkinson vindicates Darby and spotlights the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ as the center piece of his theology.
This groundbreaking book challenges decades of misrepresentation of Christian Zionism and questionable theology, exploding the myth that J. N. Darby s...
What Christians believe about the end times has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about this issue, but not all are biblical. For those readers wanting to know what the Bible says, the Answers to Common Questions series offers concise, yet thorough answers to all of their questions.
Answers to Common Questions About the End Times seeks to explore the puzzling pieces of this teaching by answering questions such as: -What is the rapture? -What is Armageddon? -What is the relationship between Christ's first and second coming?
Written in question-and-answer format...
What Christians believe about the end times has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about this issue, but not all are biblical. For t...
What Christians believe about heaven and eternity has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about these issues, but not all are biblical. For those readers wanting to know what the Bible says, the Answers to Common Questions series offers concise, yet thorough answers to all of their questions.
Heaven is very real, but often misinterpreted. In Answers to Common Question About Heaven & Eternity, authors Timothy Demy and Thomas Ice discuss such queries as: -What will heaven be like? -Does everyone go to heaven? -What do other religions teach about heaven?
Written in...
What Christians believe about heaven and eternity has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about these issues, but not all are biblica...
Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place?
What does the Bible say for certain about this event?
When will the Tribulation occur, and who will face it?
There is a lot of discussion among Christians about the rapture and the last days. Why all the different views? And how do those perspectives line up with Scripture?
Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice have assembled a team of longtime Bible prophecy experts who look carefully to God's Word for the answers. In this book, readers will discover what they can know for certain....
Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place?
What does the Bible say for certain about this event...