This reference summarizes and overviews current research on adolescence in 31 countries from around the world. The volume begins with a discussion of interdisciplinary and international perspectives on adolescence, with special attention to psychological and sociological approaches. Each of the chapters that follow considers adolescence in a particular country, and the chapters are arranged alphabetically for ease of use. To foster comparative research, each chapter shares a common format, with sections on the historical and sociodemographic background of adolescence since 1945,...
This reference summarizes and overviews current research on adolescence in 31 countries from around the world. The volume begins with a discussion ...
Exploring the ways in which children learn to be healthy, this book examines children's understanding of health, from early childhood through adolescence, and how it affects their behavior and actual physical health. The study scrutinizes the ways in which parents, other children, schools, media, and children's home and neighborhood influence children's health, attitudes and behavior.
Exploring the ways in which children learn to be healthy, this book examines children's understanding of health, from early childhood through adolesce...
This book focuses on the different developmental transitions during adolescence and young adulthood and relates them to risks and benefits for young people's health and well-being. This book advocates the broadening of the concept of health promotion to include assistance with negotiating the several changes that occur as individuals move into and out of adolescence. Chapters from many of the most prominent researchers in the adolescent field from several countries are included in this edited volume.
This book focuses on the different developmental transitions during adolescence and young adulthood and relates them to risks and benefits for young p...
This empirically based book focuses on typical stressors, individual and family coping strategies, and psychosocial consequences associated with diabetes. Numerous case studies illustrate the difficulty of balancing normative development and adherence to the therapeutic regimen. The combination of theory, research, and practice guarantee the appeal of this book to an international audience of advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals in developmental and clinical psychology, pediatric medicine and other healthcare professionals concerned with the care of chronically...
This empirically based book focuses on typical stressors, individual and family coping strategies, and psychosocial consequences associated with diabe...
At the end of the 20th century, many of the major health problems facing highly industrialized nations stem from advanced technology, a richer diet, and lengthened life span. The scope of public health has greatly expanded. While health hazards to the public have increased, the strategies available to remedy them have grown commensurably. Public health has borrowed and adapted knowledge from the biological, medical, behavioral, and social sciences, and has been quick to recognize the potential of new fields such as the management sciences for safeguarding the health of the community....
At the end of the 20th century, many of the major health problems facing highly industrialized nations stem from advanced technology, a richer diet...
Klaus Hurrelmann analyses the concepts of human development underlying the different sociological and psychological theories of personality development.
Klaus Hurrelmann analyses the concepts of human development underlying the different sociological and psychological theories of personality developmen...
Obwohl Bildungsbenachteiligung seit langem ein Thema der Ungleichheitsforschung ist, sind die individuellen und strukturellen Ursachen der neuen Bildungsarmut nur wenig erforscht. Das Buch schließt diese Lücke. §Während sich der Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verschärft, geraten diejenigen ins Hintertreffen, die den wachsenden Qualifikationsanforderungen nicht nachkommen. Diese sind von dauerhafter Exklusion aus dem Arbeitsmarkt bedroht - mit Konsequenzen für die soziale Integration, die Lebenszufriedenheit, die Gesundheit und die politischen Einstellungen. §Dieses Buch versammelt die...
Obwohl Bildungsbenachteiligung seit langem ein Thema der Ungleichheitsforschung ist, sind die individuellen und strukturellen Ursachen der neuen Bildu...
Der Band gibt einenÜberblicküber die zentralen Theorien und Konzepte zur Soziologie gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit. Zudem werden die wichtigsten Methoden vorgestellt und die praktischen Herausforderungen erläutert.
Der Band gibt einenÜberblicküber die zentralen Theorien und Konzepte zur Soziologie gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit. Zudem werden die wichtigsten Meth...
This book provides an overview of investigations into the interrela tions between stressful living conditions, individual coping strategies, and social support networks, on the one hand, and physiological, psychological, and social "health," on the other. Health is used as a broad term, and is defined as a state of physical and mental well being by which an individual is capable of processing inner and outer reality in a productive and satisfying manner. The potential stresses and strains inherent in the lifestyles of children, adolescents, and adults in contemporary industrial societies are...
This book provides an overview of investigations into the interrela tions between stressful living conditions, individual coping strategies, and socia...