The past five years have witnessed a resurgence of regionalism in world politics. Old regionalist organizations have been revived, new organizations formed, and regionalism and the call for strengthened regionalist arrangements have been central to many of the debates about the nature of the post-Cold War international order. This book brings together the many different institutions and ideas to be found under the label of "regionalism"; it places the revival of regionalism in a broader historical perspective; it asks whether there are common factors behind the revival of regionalism in so...
The past five years have witnessed a resurgence of regionalism in world politics. Old regionalist organizations have been revived, new organizations f...
Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politics in order to suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.
Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politic...
Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politics in order to suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.
Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politic...
This book sets current concerns within a broad historical and theoretical context; explores the depth and scope of this presumed solidarism amidst the difficulties of acting on the basis of a more strongly articulated liberal position; and underscores the complexity and abiding tensions inherent in the relationship between order and justice. Chapters examine a wide range of state and transnational perspectives on order and justice, including those from China, India, Russia, the United States, and the Islamic world. Other chapters investigate how the order-justice relationship is mediated...
This book sets current concerns within a broad historical and theoretical context; explores the depth and scope of this presumed solidarism amidst the...
Hedley Bull was one of the most important figures in the academic study of international relations. Although his work ranged widely, one simple but powerful idea constantly recurs: that sovereign states form among themselves a society and that this society must be understood on its own terms. The end of the Cold War and developments within international relations theory have once again thrown the social dimension of world politics into sharp relief. Although many have read Hedley Bull's The Anarchical Society, few are familiar with the breadth and range of his writing. This collection brings...
Hedley Bull was one of the most important figures in the academic study of international relations. Although his work ranged widely, one simple but po...
The United States and Brazil is a succinct overview of the history of US-Brazilian relations. The book will focus on the nations' relations over the past two decades. The book considers economic relations between the two countries, presenting pertinent statistical information and detailing key economic policy disputes between the two governments (as well as the ongoing negotiations regarding a free trade agreement for the Americas). It will also look at political issues such as military cooperation, nuclear energy, human rights and democracy, migration, the relative influence of both...
The United States and Brazil is a succinct overview of the history of US-Brazilian relations. The book will focus on the nations' relations over the p...
The United States and Brazil is a succinct overview of the history of US-Brazilian relations. The book will focus on the nations' relations over the past two decades. The book considers economic relations between the two countries, presenting pertinent statistical information and detailing key economic policy disputes between the two governments (as well as the ongoing negotiations regarding a free trade agreement for the Americas). It will also look at political issues such as military cooperation, nuclear energy, human rights and democracy, migration, the relative influence of both...
The United States and Brazil is a succinct overview of the history of US-Brazilian relations. The book will focus on the nations' relations over the p...
How is the world organized politically? How should it be organized? What forms of political organization are required to deal with such global challenges as climate change, terrorism or nuclear proliferation? Drawing on work in international law, international relations and global governance, this book provides a clear and wide-ranging introduction to the analysis of global political order--how patterns of governance and institutionalization in world politics have already changed; what the most important challenges are; and what the way forward might look like. The first section develops...
How is the world organized politically? How should it be organized? What forms of political organization are required to deal with such global challen...
In this fundamental text, Hedley Bull explores three key questions: What is the nature of order in world politics? How is it maintained within the contemporary states system? And do desirable and feasible alternatives to the states system exist? Contrary to common claims, Bull asserts that the sovereign states system is not in decline. Rather, it persists and thrives, as it is essential to maintaining an international world order.
More than three decades after its publication, Bull's classic work continues to define and direct research in international relations. In this thirty-fifth...
In this fundamental text, Hedley Bull explores three key questions: What is the nature of order in world politics? How is it maintained within the con...