The unforgettable story of young Jethro Creighton who comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War. "An intriguing and beautifully written book, a prize to those who take the time to read it, whatever their ages."--The New York Times "This is a beautifully written book, filled with bloodshed, hate, and tears, but also with love, loyalty, and compassion, with unforgettable characters, and with ideas and implications that have meaning for young people today."--Chicago Tribune "A powerfully moving story about the Creighton family of Southern Illinois...
The unforgettable story of young Jethro Creighton who comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War. "An intriguing and beautifu...
The Newbery Award winning author of Up a Road Slowly presents the unforgettable story of Jethro Creighton--a brave boy who comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War.
The Newbery Award winning author of Up a Road Slowly presents the unforgettable story of Jethro Creighton--a brave boy who comes of age during ...