Although this book provides information on warmwater aquaculture in the United States that should be useful to aquacultural suppliers, lending institutions, resource managers, interested citizens, and others, the principal purpose is to tell the fish farmer what is to be done, why it is to be done, and how to do it. The reader is provided with the essentials of successful warmwater fish farming. The emphasis in this book is clearly on channel catfish, ranging from maintenance of brood stock to the culture of fingerlings and the production of market-sized fish. However, production techniques...
Although this book provides information on warmwater aquaculture in the United States that should be useful to aquacultural suppliers, lending institu...
This work offers insights into the history and development of aquaculture. Subjects include: natural production versus aquaculture; the aquatic environment; energy requirements and relationships in aquaculture systems; major cultured species and their distribution; and global production.
This work offers insights into the history and development of aquaculture. Subjects include: natural production versus aquaculture; the aquatic enviro...
Freshwater Crayfish Aquaculture in North America, Europe, and Australia is the first text to summarize the methods of culture for the eight most important crayfish species in the world. Methods developed to culture crayfishes around the world differ significantly, and this book enables readers to develop workable strategies for cultivating different crayfish species in specific environments. Huner and associate authors cover the following topics in detail:* methods of crayfish culture* crayfish diseases* crayfish processing* economics of crayfish culture Each of the the three major crayfish...
Freshwater Crayfish Aquaculture in North America, Europe, and Australia is the first text to summarize the methods of culture for the eight most impor...