An understanding of modern computer logic-incorporating core knowledge of number systems, number conversions, Boolean algebra, memories, and logic circuits-is fundamental to further study of computer architectures, system software, and computer networks. Computer Logic: Design Principles and Applications introduces and describes the relevant concepts, principles and applications of modern computer logic design. The book is self-contained, with an introductory chapter that concisely covers the history of computing devices, as well as number systems, number conversions, signed and unsigned...
An understanding of modern computer logic-incorporating core knowledge of number systems, number conversions, Boolean algebra, memories, and logic cir...
"This diverse collection, like Asian America itself, adds up to something far more vibrant than the sum of its voices." -Eric Liu, author of The Accidental Asian "There's fury, dignity, and self-awareness in these essays. I found the voices to be energetic and the ideas exciting." -Diana Son, playwright (Stop Kiss) and co-producer (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) This refreshing and timely collection of coming-of-age essays, edited and written by young Asian Americans, powerfully captures the joys and struggles of their evolving identities as one of the...
"This diverse collection, like Asian America itself, adds up to something far more vibrant than the sum of its voices." -Eric Liu, author of The...
With the new developments in computer architecture, fairly recent publications can quickly become outdated. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware takes a modern approach. This comprehensive, practical text provides that critical understanding of a central processor by clearly detailing fundamentals, and cutting edge design features. With its balanced software/hardware perspective and its description of Pentium processors, the book allows readers to acquire practical PC software experience. The text presents a foundation-level set of ideas, design concepts, and...
With the new developments in computer architecture, fairly recent publications can quickly become outdated. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, C...
An understanding of modern computer logic-incorporating core knowledge of number systems, number conversions, Boolean algebra, memories, and logic circuits-is fundamental to further study of computer architectures, system software, and computer networks. Computer Logic: Design Principles and Applications introduces and describes the relevant concepts, principles and applications of modern computer logic design. The book is self-contained, with an introductory chapter that concisely covers the history of computing devices, as well as number systems, number conversions, signed and unsigned...
An understanding of modern computer logic-incorporating core knowledge of number systems, number conversions, Boolean algebra, memories, and logic cir...