The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them back to key moments in biblical history.
In The Great Escape, Peter, Mary, and Hank journey to the pyramid-studded desert of ancient Egypt. When the trio become friends with Pharaoh's daughter, they witness first-hand as Moses petitions Pharaoh for the Israelites' freedom. Plagues wreak havoc as the group races to decode the scroll, gets chased by a panther, and battles Pharaoh's cunning advisor, the Great Magician. Young readers...
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them b...
In this fourth adventure, the time-traveling trio journeys to an ancient desert and finds the Israelites preparing to enter the Promised land. With limited time to solve the secret of the scroll, Peter and Mary join Israelite spies on a reconnaissance mission to Jericho.
In this fourth adventure, the time-traveling trio journeys to an ancient desert and finds the Israelites preparing to enter the Promised land. With li...