"If thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number...you would think a civilized society could come up with a way for us to skip it." -- from "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" by Bruce Coville No one will want to skip any of the twelve short stories and one poem that make up this collection by some of the most celebrated contemporary writers of teen fiction. The big bar mitzvah that goes suddenly, wildly, hilariously out of control. A first kiss -- and a realization about one's sexual orientation. A crush on a girl that ends up putting the boy who likes her in the hospital....
"If thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number...you would think a civilized society could come up with a way for us to skip it." -- from "W...
HARE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW Bunnicula is missing Chester is convinced all the world's vegetables are in danger of being drained of their life juices and turned into zombies. Soon he has Harold and Howie running around sticking toothpicks through hearts of lettuce and any other veggie in sight. Of course, Chester has been known to be wrong before...but you can never be too careful when there's a vampire bunny at large
HARE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW Bunnicula is missing Chester is convinced all the world's vegetables are in danger of being drained of their li...
Not a great place to visit, and you wouldn't want to live there The Monroes have gone on vacation, leaving Harold and Chester at Chateau Bow-Wow -- not exactly a four-star hotel. On the animals' very first night there, the silence is pierced by a peculiar wake-up call -- an unearthly howl that makes Chester observe that the place should be called Howliday Inn. But the mysterious cries in the night (Chester is convinced there are werewolves afoot) are just the beginning of the frightening goings-on. Soon animals start disappearing, and there are whispers of murder. Is checkout...
Not a great place to visit, and you wouldn't want to live there The Monroes have gone on vacation, leaving Harold and Chester at Chateau B...
BEWARE THE HARE Is he or isn't he a vampire? Before it's too late, Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth about the newest pet in the Monroe household -- a suspicious-looking bunny with unusual habits...and fangs
BEWARE THE HARE Is he or isn't he a vampire? Before it's too late, Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth ...
THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM.... Are Harold, Howie, and Chester simply lost in the woods with Dawg, their strange new friend? Or have they been lured away from their campsite intentionally, leaving the Monroes at the mercy of evil spirits with mayhem on their minds? Lulling Dawg to sleep with a bedtime story may be their only hope of escaping -- but is the hare-raising tale of the origins of Bunnicula, the vampire bunny, really a bedtime story?
THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM.... Are Harold, Howie, and Chester simply lost in the woods with Dawg, their strange new friend? Or have they been ...
HOW DID ROSEBUD CHECK OUT FROM HOWLIDAY INN? The Monroes have gone on vacation, once again leaving Harold, Chester, and Howie at Chateau Bow-Wow, which Chester aptly dubbed "Howliday Inn" during their last stay there. The motley crew of boarders may have changed, but the creepy goings-on at Howliday Inn have not. A ghostly voice, buried bones, and a collar with the name "Rosebud" on it suggest that murder may have been added to the services offered at the kennel. A pair of yuppie puppies from posh Upper Centerville, two cat burglars (sisters-in-crime) named Felony and Miss Demeanor,...
HOW DID ROSEBUD CHECK OUT FROM HOWLIDAY INN? The Monroes have gone on vacation, once again leaving Harold, Chester, and Howie at Chateau Bow-Wow,...
IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN. The Monroes' kitchen is littered with the remains of vegetables drained of all color. To Chester it's obvious that Bunnicula, the vampire rabbit, is up to his old tricks. But Harold is more frightened for Bunnicula than of him. The poor bunny doesn't look too good. Is he sick? Or just unhappy? Or has Chester finally gone too far in his attempt to make the world safe for veggies? One thing's for sure: Harold isn't going to let anything bad happen to his long-eared pal -- even if it means leaving the comfort of his home, losing his best friend, and...
IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN. The Monroes' kitchen is littered with the remains of vegetables drained of all color. To Chester it's obvious that Bunnicul...
From the sure-footed duo of James Howe and Randy Cecil comes a hugely endearing new character in a humorous, heart-warming tale about holding on to your dreams. Brontorina has a dream. She wants to dance. But Brontorina is rather large too large to fit in Madame Lucille s dance studio. Brontorina does not have the right shoes, and everyone knows you can t dance without the proper footwear. Still, Brontorina knows, deep in her heart, that she is meant to be a ballerina. James Howe introduces a lovable dinosaur whose size is outmatched only by her determination, and whose talent is...
From the sure-footed duo of James Howe and Randy Cecil comes a hugely endearing new character in a humorous, heart-warming tale about holding on to yo...
When Rex is invited to go along on the traditional pumpkin-picking trip with Pinky's grandparents, she doesn't feel that Pinky's cousin Abby really wants her to be part of the fun. Full color.
When Rex is invited to go along on the traditional pumpkin-picking trip with Pinky's grandparents, she doesn't feel that Pinky's cousin Abby really wa...