ASP.NET MAKES IT EASY to create intemctive and intuitive interfaces for Web applica tions, and attmctive and exciting Web pages. The server-based postback architecture, combined with the comprehensive army of server controls that are provided as part of the .NET Framework, allow developers to quickly build browser-based interfaces for Web sites and Web applications-using much the same event -driven approach as in "tmdi tional" executable programs developed in languages like VISual Basic, Delphi, and C++. This is a completely new and different way of working from previous versions of ASP, and...
ASP.NET MAKES IT EASY to create intemctive and intuitive interfaces for Web applica tions, and attmctive and exciting Web pages. The server-based post...
ASP.NET is a huge advance from previous incarnations of ASP, with one of its goals being pure HTML output that achieves maximum cross-browser compatibility. The server-side event architecture tends to engender this approach, but amid the first flush of excitement its often forgotten that theres still a place for rich clients and handling data in a multitude of places. Distributed data-driven applications arent new, but the range of possibilities and ease of development have both increased with the introduction of .NET.
This book approaches data management and data applications from...
ASP.NET is a huge advance from previous incarnations of ASP, with one of its goals being pure HTML output that achieves maximum cross-browser compa...
How do you build and deploy applications to be scalable and have high availability? Along with developing the applications, you must also have an infrastructure that can support them. You may need to scale up or add servers, have redundant hardware, and add logic to the application to handle distributed computing and failovers-even if an application is in high demand for only short periods of time. The cloud offers a solution. It is made up of interconnected servers located in various data centers, but you see what appears to be a centralized location that someone else hosts and manages. By...
How do you build and deploy applications to be scalable and have high availability? Along with developing the applications, you must also have an infr...
How can you create an application that has truly global reach, and can scale rapidly to meet sudden massive spikes in demand? Historically, companies had to invest in an infrastructure capable of supporting such an application themselves, and plan for peak demand-which often means that much of the capacity sits idle for much of the time. Typically, only large companies would have the available resources to risk such an enterprise. The cloud has changed the rules of the game. By making infrastructure available on a "pay as you go" basis, creating a massively scalable, global application is...
How can you create an application that has truly global reach, and can scale rapidly to meet sudden massive spikes in demand? Historically, companies ...