Compiled by poets who have been at the center of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York City, Aloud showcases the work of the most innovative and accomplished word artists from around America.
Compiled by poets who have been at the center of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York City, Aloud showcases the work of the most innovative and ac...
Everybody talks about the plight of illegal immigrants in the US, but who gives us their own voices, tells us of the daily lives, of these shadow workers? Estamos Aqui-We Are Here-a heartstirring collection of poems written by migrant workers, speaks of joy and heartbreak in the direct voices of Mexican and Central American migrant farmworkers. Presented in both Spanish and English, these poems ultimately succeed in humanizing them, revealing them as our neighbors. In workshops after a day's backbreaking, sunbaked labor at migrant camps in upstate New York sponsored by the GENESEO...
Everybody talks about the plight of illegal immigrants in the US, but who gives us their own voices, tells us of the daily lives, of these shadow work...
On a daily basis police save lives, take lives, and risk their own lives. This is the first collection that allows us to see this: police officers not just as brutalisers or heroes but as complicated human beings in a position that is sometimes terrifying, sometimes rewarding and often questionable. It is this exploration of the dynamic point of understanding that makes Off The Cuffs unique. Existing books on police and policing give us a single point-of-view, a black and white story that portrays cops as either saints or villains. Divided into four sections - Eyewitnesses, Insiders, Victims...
On a daily basis police save lives, take lives, and risk their own lives. This is the first collection that allows us to see this: police officers not...