Sport has a powerful collective appeal--athletic events can draw audiences that number millions, vastly exceeding other displays of skill and probably rivaling participation in organized religion in audience appeal and meaning.
But sports also have important meaning for individuals. People require play and derive much satisfaction from it even while feeling embarrassed about being as obsessed with it as we are.
The essays here look at a variety of sports from the collective, mythical side and in terms of the psychological impact of individual experience, from the viewpoints of both...
Sport has a powerful collective appeal--athletic events can draw audiences that number millions, vastly exceeding other displays of skill and probably...
How does the corporate world, heavily invested in patriarchal values, confront these changing times, in which other values are challenging long-held assumptions about power and structure? How can organizations acknowledge their unconscious and do something about it? What are their creative sources? What are the possibilities for transformation in the structures of traditional organizations, and how will such changes affect labor and management?
The essays in this volume suggest that the theories and insights elaborated originally within the context of Jungian analysis and practice...
How does the corporate world, heavily invested in patriarchal values, confront these changing times, in which other values are challenging long-hel...