A frequent writer on business and contemporary history, Holland (U. of Virginia) interviewed his own father and other long-time employees of the company to offer a very different view than it promulgated when asking for government relief from foreign competition in the early 1980s. The original titl
A frequent writer on business and contemporary history, Holland (U. of Virginia) interviewed his own father and other long-time employees of the compa...
Through the shadowy persona of "Deep Throat," FBI official Mark Felt became as famous as the Watergate scandal his "leaks" helped uncover. Best known through Hal Holbrook's portrayal in the film version of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's All the President's Men, Felt was regarded for decades as a conscientious but highly secretive whistleblower who shunned the limelight. Yet even after he finally revealed his identity in 2005, questions about his true motivations persisted.
Max Holland has found the missing piece of that Deep Throat puzzle--one that's been hidden in plain sight...
Through the shadowy persona of "Deep Throat," FBI official Mark Felt became as famous as the Watergate scandal his "leaks" helped uncover. Best known ...
A new afterword by Max Holland details developments since the original 2003 publication, including the revelation of Mark Felt as the infamous "Deep Throat," the media's role in the scandal, both during and afterwards, including Bob Woodward's Second Man. Arguably the greatest political scandal of twentieth-century America, the Watergate affair rocked an already divided nation to its very core, severely challenged our cherished notions about democracy, and further eroded public trust in its political leaders.
The 1972 break-in at Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate...
A new afterword by Max Holland details developments since the original 2003 publication, including the revelation of Mark Felt as the infamous "Deep T...
A new afterword by Max Holland details developments since the original 2003 publication, including the revelation of Mark Felt as the infamous "Deep Throat," the media's role in the scandal, both during and afterwards, including Bob Woodward's Second Man. Arguably the greatest political scandal of twentieth-century America, the Watergate affair rocked an already divided nation to its very core, severely challenged our cherished notions about democracy, and further eroded public trust in its political leaders.
The 1972 break-in at Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate...
A new afterword by Max Holland details developments since the original 2003 publication, including the revelation of Mark Felt as the infamous "Deep T...