Positioned at the crossroads of the physical and biological sciences, chemistry deals with neither the infinitely small, nor the infinitely large, nor directly with life. So it is sometimes thought of as dull, the way things in the middle often are. But this middle ground is precisely where human beings exist. As Hoffmann shows in his inspired prose, the world observed at its molecular level is complex and agitated, as are the emotions of the supposedly dispassionate scientists who explore it. In The Same and Not the Same the vital tensions of chemistry are revealed; with down-to-earth...
Positioned at the crossroads of the physical and biological sciences, chemistry deals with neither the infinitely small, nor the infinitely large, nor...
This unique book shows how chemistry and physics come together in the solid state and on surfaces. Using a lively, graphic, descriptive approach, it teaches chemists the language that is necessary to understand the electronic structure of extended systems. And, at the same time, it demonstrates how a chemical, frontier-orbital, approach to solid state and surface bonding and reactivity may be constructed.
The book begins with the language of crystal orbitals, band structures and densities of states. The tools for moving back from the highly delocalized orbitals of the solid are...
This unique book shows how chemistry and physics come together in the solid state and on surfaces. Using a lively, graphic, descriptive approach, it t...
What motivates a scientist? One key factor is the pressure from the competition to be the first to discover something new. The moral consequences of this are the subject of the play -Oxygen-, dealing with the discovery of this all-important element. The focus of the play is on chemical and political revolutions, as well as the Nobel Prize, which will be awarded for the 100th time in 2001. The action takes place in 1777 and 2001; and the play is written for 3 actors and 3 actresses who play a total of 11 characters. The world premiere will take place in early 2001 in San Diego, and the German...
What motivates a scientist? One key factor is the pressure from the competition to be the first to discover something new. The moral consequences of t...
Based on twelve years of teaching a graduate course, this long awaited textbook presents Diels-Alder reactions, electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements plus many more topics in a highly didactic way. Throughout the focus is on the important facts and aspects, with both classical and new examples explained in detail. The only up-to-date work of its kind on the market, this is an invaluable tool for students and lecturers in chemistry, organic chemists, and libraries. With a foreword by Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann.
Based on twelve years of teaching a graduate course, this long awaited textbook presents Diels-Alder reactions, electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic r...
This gathering of eminent thinkers from the sciences and the humanities engages a common theme: In what ways does language and storytelling in particular deal with ethics in science, in literature, and in other art forms? Evelyn Fox Keller, Jean-Michel Rabate, Mieke Bal, and Roald Hoffmann explore ways in which science and rhetoric, politics and fiction, science and storytelling, and ethics and aesthetics are deeply and creatively imbricated with each other, rather than distinct and autonomous."
This gathering of eminent thinkers from the sciences and the humanities engages a common theme: In what ways does language and storytelling in particu...
This gathering of eminent thinkers from the sciences and the humanities engages a common theme: In what ways does language and storytelling in particular deal with ethics in science, in literature, and in other art forms? Evelyn Fox Keller, Jean-Michel Rabate, Mieke Bal, and Roald Hoffmann explore ways in which science and rhetoric, politics and fiction, science and storytelling, and ethics and aesthetics are deeply and creatively imbricated with each other, rather than distinct and autonomous."
This gathering of eminent thinkers from the sciences and the humanities engages a common theme: In what ways does language and storytelling in particu...