This classic account of the German Resistance during World War II remains one of the primary sources on a topic that continues to generate controversy more than a half century after the war's end. As OSS (office of strategic services) chief of station in Bern, Switzerland, from 1942 to 1945, Dulles was charged with determining the extent and commitment of the opposition to Hitler. Germany's Underground is the most important firsthand account we have of Allied contact with that opposition--and the most concise and readable history of the men and women from every stratum of German...
This classic account of the German Resistance during World War II remains one of the primary sources on a topic that continues to generate controversy...
"Dearly beloved Child of my Heart, we are probably standing at the end of our beautiful and rich life together. Because tomorrow the People's Court intends to sit in judgment on me and others. I hear that we have been expelled from the army. They can take the uniform from us, but not the spirit in which we acted."-Peter Yorck von Wartenburg, in a letter to his wife. Marion Yorck von Wartenburg was involved in the Nazi resistance group known as the Kreisau Circle, whose cofounder was her husband, Peter. The Kreisau Circle participated in the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on July 20,...
"Dearly beloved Child of my Heart, we are probably standing at the end of our beautiful and rich life together. Because tomorrow the People's Court in...
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