Happel presents an introduction to the use of triangulated categories in the study of representations of finit-dimensional algeras. In recent years representation theory has been an area of intense research and the author shows that derived categories of finite=dimensional algebras are a useful tool in studying tilting processes. Results on the structure of derived categories of hereditary algebras are used to investigate Dynkin algebras and iterated tilted algebras. The author shows how triangulated categories arise naturally in the study of Frobenius categories. The study of trivial...
Happel presents an introduction to the use of triangulated categories in the study of representations of finit-dimensional algeras. In recent years re...
The study of permutation groups has always been closely associated with that of highly symmetric structures. The objects considered here are countably infinite, but have only finitely many different substructures of any given finite size. They are precisely those structures which are determined by first-order logical axioms together with the assumption of countability. This book concerns such structures, their substructures and their automorphism groups. A wide range of techniques are used: group theory, combinatorics, Baire category and measure among them. The book arose from lectures given...
The study of permutation groups has always been closely associated with that of highly symmetric structures. The objects considered here are countably...
These two volumes contain selected papers presented at the international conference on group theory held at St. Andrews in 1989. The themes of the conference were combinatorial and computational group theory; leading group theorists, including J.A. Green, N.D. Gupta, O.H. Kegel and J.G. Thompson, gave courses whose content is reproduced here. Also included are refereed papers presented at the meeting.
These two volumes contain selected papers presented at the international conference on group theory held at St. Andrews in 1989. The themes of the con...
This volume contains nine invited papers that survey many areas of current research in combinatorics both on the theoretical and practical side. Several papers may be regarded as summarizing our present state of knowledge in a particular topic.
This volume contains nine invited papers that survey many areas of current research in combinatorics both on the theoretical and practical side. Sever...
Boolean function complexity has seen exciting advances in the past few years. It is a long established area of discrete mathematics that uses combinatorial and occasionally algebraic methods. Professor Paterson brings together papers from the 1990 Durham symposium on Boolean function complexity. The list of participants includes very well known figures in the field, and the topics covered will be significant to many mathematicians and computer scientists working in related areas.
Boolean function complexity has seen exciting advances in the past few years. It is a long established area of discrete mathematics that uses combinat...
This is the first exposition of the theory of quasi-symmetric designs, that is, combinatorial designs with at most two block intersection numbers. The authors aim to bring out the interaction among designs, finite geometries, and strongly regular graphs. The book starts with basic, classical material on designs and strongly regular graphs and continues with a discussion of some important results on quasi-symmetric designs. The later chapters include a combinatorial construction of the Witt designs from the projective plane of order four, recent results dealing with a structural study of...
This is the first exposition of the theory of quasi-symmetric designs, that is, combinatorial designs with at most two block intersection numbers. The...
This work is a self-contained treatise on the research conducted on squares by Pfister, Hilbert, Hurwitz, and others. Many classical and modern results and quadratic forms are brought together in this book, and the treatment requires only a basic knowledge of rings, fields, polynomials, and matrices. The author deals with many different approaches to the study of squares, from the classical works of the late nineteenth century, to areas of current research.
This work is a self-contained treatise on the research conducted on squares by Pfister, Hilbert, Hurwitz, and others. Many classical and modern result...
The use of geometric methods in classical mechanics has proven fruitful, with wide applications in physics and engineering. In this book, Professor Marsden concentrates on these geometric aspects, especially on symmetry techniques. The main points he covers are: the stability of relative equilibria, which is analyzed using the block diagonalization technique; geometric phases, studied using the reduction and reconstruction technique; and bifurcation of relative equilibria and chaos in mechanical systems. A unifying theme for these points is provided by reduction theory, the associated...
The use of geometric methods in classical mechanics has proven fruitful, with wide applications in physics and engineering. In this book, Professor Ma...
These two volumes contain survey papers given at the 1991 international symposium on geometric group theory, and they represent some of the latest thinking in this area. Many of the world's leading figures in this field attended the conference, and their contributions cover a wide diversity of topics. Volume I contains reviews of such subjects as isoperimetric and isodiametric functions, geometric invariants of a groups, Brick's quasi-simple filtrations for groups and 3-manifolds, string rewriting, and algebraic proof of the torus theorem, the classification of groups acting freely on...
These two volumes contain survey papers given at the 1991 international symposium on geometric group theory, and they represent some of the latest thi...