Finding Love On Purpose is the long-awaited handbook that teaches singles how to find the love of their life by taking charge of the process. If you're ready for a life partner, and you want clarity, certainty, and confidence in your dating choices, you need this book. Finding Love On Purpose guides singles through five list-making and refining steps. The result is a list of attributes that paint an extremely clear picture of their ideal life partner and a motivating vision of their life together. After developing a solid life-partner list, the book walks readers through seven proven...
Finding Love On Purpose is the long-awaited handbook that teaches singles how to find the love of their life by taking charge of the process. If you'r...
Earl Hipp addresses loss and discusses young people's experiences to help you provide students with tools to grieve and ways to keep their losses from becoming too overwhelming.
Earl Hipp addresses loss from the perspective of the heart. He discusses young people's experiences with loss and helps them figure out ways to continue functioning after loss. You will provide students with tools to grieve and ways to keep their losses from becoming too overwhelming. This book, along with the Caring Circle: A Facilitator's Guide to Support Groups and Thirty-Eight Great Handouts are all part of a...
Earl Hipp addresses loss and discusses young people's experiences to help you provide students with tools to grieve and ways to keep their losses from...