Powerful, tender and moving, this is the first book to focus entirely on "life before life" pre-birth existence. Sarah Hinze has collected over two dozen stories from people who either remember their pre-birth life, or, more commonly, had contact with their own children prior to their birth. New Age media.
Powerful, tender and moving, this is the first book to focus entirely on "life before life" pre-birth existence. Sarah Hinze has collected over two do...
The Castaways: New Evidence Supporting the Rights of the Unborn Child examines what happens to souls who attempt to come to the earth but are blocked through abortion. In analyzing collected accounts, a sampling of which are in The Castaways, a surprising picture emerges of what may be happening to the spirits of those aborted--the castaways.
If you have lost a child, or are trying to conceive a child, or cannot bear children, this book will provide enlightenment, hope, and healing. You will see that relationships can be eternal and God's grace can provide rewarding...
The Castaways: New Evidence Supporting the Rights of the Unborn Child examines what happens to souls who attempt to come to the earth but are b...
An announcing dream is exactly what it sounds like - a dream in which a child lets you know he wants to be born to you. This mysterious occurrence happens to mothers, fathers, and even siblings throughout the world. This and other types of pre-birth experiences happen in every culture, religion and nation.
Previously published as Coming From the Light and We Lived in Heaven, the true stories gathered here open a door to the wondrous realm of life before life - a realm from which those who are waiting to join us on Earth can speak to us and guide us. Inside this book are...
An announcing dream is exactly what it sounds like - a dream in which a child lets you know he wants to be born to you. This mysterious occurrence hap...
Some of the most profound questions humans have asked are: "Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? What happens after death?"
Personal accounts in Memories of Heaven suggest exciting answers to these questions, especially where we come from before we are born.
These memories are messages from our true Home and offer a glimpse of the eternal nature of each human being. Discover exciting mysteries most of us have no memory of, including glorious gardens, buildings, and fountains; friends and family and the promises we made to them, and the many ways we prepared for our lives on...
Some of the most profound questions humans have asked are: "Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? What happens after death?"