This groundbreaking anthology is a collection of new plays by American writers of a variety of Middle Eastern backgrounds, from artists born in Egypt and Iran, to Israeli and Palestinian Americans. These plays-written in a diversity of theatrical styles ranging from lyrical drama to satiric comedy-are personal and political, fresh and important. They represent artists negotiating the complexities of Middle Eastern identity in America, while dealing with the ravages of war and violence in their families' homelands.Included are: Ten Acrobats in an Amazing Leap of Faith by Yussef...
This groundbreaking anthology is a collection of new plays by American writers of a variety of Middle Eastern backgrounds, from artists born in Egypt ...
This story will change the way you look at the world around you. Could it be that we are missing out on valuable life lessons that God is using to teach us more about Him? Could it be possible that you and I are surrounded by extraordinary moments that are being orchestrated by God to show us more about the gospel of Christ? Maybe, just maybe, if we slowed down and took a closer look at the events and circumstances around us we would be surprised by what we saw.
This story will change the way you look at the world around you. Could it be that we are missing out on valuable life lessons that God is using to tea...