From 2000 to its final episode in 2007, "Gilmore Girls" raised the bar for television writing, redefined the dramatic comedy, and cultivated a dedicated fan base not seen since the heights of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." This companion provides the first detailed account of the creation of this groundbreaking series, based on dozens of exclusive interviews with the actors and behind-the-camera talent.
From 2000 to its final episode in 2007, "Gilmore Girls" raised the bar for television writing, redefined the dramatic comedy, and cultivated a dedicat...
From 2000 to its final episode in 2007, Gilmore Girls raised the bar for television writing, redefined the dramatic comedy, and cultivated a dedicated fan base not seen since the heights of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, unlike Buffy, little has been published about what went on behind-the-scenes of Gilmore Girl. Until now. The Gilmore Girls Companion provides the first detailed account of the creation of this groundbreaking series, based on dozens of exclusive interviews with the actors and behind-the-camera talent who brought Stars Hollow to life. Also...
This is the HARDBACK version.
From 2000 to its final episode in 2007, Gilmore Girls raised the bar for television writing, redefined the dra...