Timeweb Chronicles. In Timeweb, Brian Herbert creates a universe of wondrous possibilities that is populated by sentient spaceships, shapeshifters, intriguing robots, and miniature aliens with mysterious powers. Humanity has become a mercantile society that has spread throughout the galaxy, ruled by wealthy merchant princes who live in decadent splendor-entirely unaware of another realm just beneath the fabric of the universe. When galactic ecologist Noah Watanabe discovers the cause of a strange, cosmic disintegration, he embarks on an epic journey to restore the ancient balance to the...
Timeweb Chronicles. In Timeweb, Brian Herbert creates a universe of wondrous possibilities that is populated by sentient spaceships, shapeshifters, in...
New York Times bestselling author Brian Herbert and his wife, Jan, have combined their talents to create an epic ecological fantasy novel. In 2024, Earth is consumed by a great War of Ocean Liberation. A military force of sea creatures attacks naval installations, shuts down shipping lanes and fishing operations, and destroys offshore oil-drilling rigs. Huge blue whales, sharks, dolphins, and even monstrous creatures thought to be extinct-all strike with ferocity and surprising strength. The marine armada is led by hybrid, transformed humans who call themselves Sea Warriors, ocean-rights...
New York Times bestselling author Brian Herbert and his wife, Jan, have combined their talents to create an epic ecological fantasy novel. In 2024, Ea...
On the peanut-shaped planetoid of Ut, a 150-million-year-old computer named Mamacita rules with dictatorial control. Her every whim is a steadfast rule, and no command is stronger than the ban of Sudanna, the wind that sweeps across Ut spreading the liberating sounds of music. Hiley OIV is one of Ut's most conscientious inhabitants, a man so afraid of losing his head (utpeople have very precarious necks) that a Bad Thought almost never enters his mind. But now his teenage daughter has fallen in love with Prussirian BBD-Ut's most notorious outlaw-a man who has broken Mamacita's cardinal rule:...
On the peanut-shaped planetoid of Ut, a 150-million-year-old computer named Mamacita rules with dictatorial control. Her every whim is a steadfast rul...
A revolution has taken over the government of the United States and the environment has been saved. All pollution has been banned and reversed. It's a bright, green new world. But this new world comes with a great cost. The United States is ruled by a dictatorship and the corporations are fighting back. Joining them are an increasing number of rebels angered by the dictatorship of Chairman Rahma. The Chairman's power is absolute and appears strong, but in The Little Green Book of Chairman Rahma by Brian Herbert, cracks are beginning to show as new weapons are developed by the old...
A revolution has taken over the government of the United States and the environment has been saved. All pollution has been banned and reversed. It'...
Even the author of DUNE-the best-selling science fiction novel of all time-had trouble getting published. At first. Frank Herbert wanted to be a writer, and though today his name is practically synonymous with world-building and epic science fiction, Herbert didn't start out with a particular genre in mind. He wrote mainstream stories, mysteries, thrillers, mens' adventure pieces, humorous slice-of-life tales. And, yes, some science fiction. For the first time, this collection presents 13 completed short stories that Frank Herbert never published in his lifetime. These tales show a great...
Even the author of DUNE-the best-selling science fiction novel of all time-had trouble getting published. At first. Frank Herbert wanted to be a write...
What if the entire universe happened to be the creation of alien minds? Dreens are extraordinary storytellers-and they can actually make the worlds they imagine come to life-and this is the origin of Earth and the entire known universe. Even though Dreens live far across the universe, the human race has the technology for interstellar travel and the military power to destroy the aliens' core planet. But Earth itself is only sustained by the continued existence of the Dreens. If the last Dreen dies, all of humanity will disappear A science fiction adventure showcasing the imagination that...
What if the entire universe happened to be the creation of alien minds? Dreens are extraordinary storytellers-and they can actually make the worlds th...
Two complete novels from New York Times bestselling author Brian Herbert DEEP SPACE GARBAGE WAR For centuries the slobs who inhabit the Earth have been rocketing their refuse into the Galaxy, carelessly littering the cosmos with wrappers and peelings and bottles and cans. But now the universe is about to get even. What goes up must come down... An immense comet of garbage has been sighted on a collision course for Earth Only one man can stop it: a human discard, a lowly government worker who dreams of becoming a Space Patrol Captain but could never pass the physical-the unheroic, the...
Two complete novels from New York Times bestselling author Brian Herbert DEEP SPACE GARBAGE WAR For centuries the slobs who inhabit the Earth have bee...