The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, Volume 3: 1926 1929, featuring many previously unpublished letters, follows a rising star as he emerges from the literary Left Bank of Paris and moves into the American mainstream. Maxwell Perkins, legendary editor at Scribner's, nurtured the young Hemingway's talent, accepting his satirical novel Torrents of Spring (1926) in order to publish what would become a signature work of the twentieth century: The Sun Also Rises (1926). By early 1929 Hemingway had completed A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's letters of this period also reflect landmark events in his...
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, Volume 3: 1926 1929, featuring many previously unpublished letters, follows a rising star as he emerges from the lite...
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway document the life and creative development of a gifted artist and legendary personality whose work would both reflect and transform his times. Volume 1 (1907 1922) encompasses his youth, his experience in World War I and his arrival in Paris. Volume 2 (1923 1925) follows Hemingway's literary apprenticeship in expatriate Paris and the experiences that forged his earliest works, including the landmark novel The Sun Also Rises (1926). It features a never-before-published short story that was rejected by Vanity Fair. Volume 3 (1926 1929) shows a rising star as he...
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway document the life and creative development of a gifted artist and legendary personality whose work would both reflect ...
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway document the life and creative development of a gifted artist and legendary personality whose work would both reflect and transform his times. Volume 2 (1923 1925) follows Hemingway's literary apprenticeship in expatriate Paris and the experiences that forged his earliest works, including the landmark novel The Sun also Rises (1926). It features a never-before-published short story that was rejected by Vanity Fair. Volume 3 (1926 1929) shows a rising star as he emerges from the literary Left Bank of Paris and moves into the American mainstream. As this...
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway document the life and creative development of a gifted artist and legendary personality whose work would both reflect ...
This new edition of The Sun Also Rises celebrates the art and craft of Hemingway's quintessential story of the Lost Generation--presented by the Hemingway family with illuminating supplementary material from the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library. The Sun Also Rises is a classic example of Hemingway's spare but powerful writing style. A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway's most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant...
This new edition of The Sun Also Rises celebrates the art and craft of Hemingway's quintessential story of the Lost Generation--presented by th...
The most intimate and elaborately enhanced addition to the Hemingway Library series: Hemingway's memoir of his safari across the Serengeti--presented with archival material from the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library and with the never-before-published safari journal of Hemingway's second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer. When it was first published in 1935, The New York Times called Green Hills of Africa, "The best-written story of big-game hunting anywhere," Hemingway's evocative account of his safari through East Africa with his wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, captures his...
The most intimate and elaborately enhanced addition to the Hemingway Library series: Hemingway's memoir of his safari across the Serengeti--presented ...
Por quien doblan las campanas, en ingles For Whom the Bell Tolls, es una novela publicada en 1940, cuyo autor, Ernest Hemingway, participo en la Guerra Civil Espanola como corresponsal, pudiendo ver los acontecimientos que se sucedieron durante la contienda."
Por quien doblan las campanas, en ingles For Whom the Bell Tolls, es una novela publicada en 1940, cuyo autor, Ernest Hemingway, participo en la Guerr...
El viejo y el mar (The Old Man and the Sea) es una historia escrita por Ernest Hemingway en 1951 en Cuba y publicada en 1952. Fue su ultimo trabajo de ficcion importante publicado en vida y posiblemente su obra mas famosa. Es considerada como uno de los trabajos de ficcion mas destacados del siglo XX, reafirmando el valor literario de la obra de Hemingway. La novela ha sido llevada al cine en numerosas ocasiones. Recibio el Premio Pulitzer y el Nobel de Literatura al ano siguiente por su obra completa. La obra se desarrolla en La Habana -Cuba- y su protagonista se llama Santiago, aunque todo...
El viejo y el mar (The Old Man and the Sea) es una historia escrita por Ernest Hemingway en 1951 en Cuba y publicada en 1952. Fue su ultimo trabajo de...
Esta maravillosa historia escrita por Ernest Hemingway en 1951 es considerada como uno de los trabajos de ficcion mas destacados del siglo XX, reafirmando el valor literario de la obra del autor. La historia se desarrolla en Cuba, en la ciudad de La Habana y su protagonista es Santiago, aunque todo el mundo lo llama el viejo. Santiago es un pescador ya envejecido que lleva 84 dias sin conseguir pesca alguna, un buen dia, decide salir solo a pescar y consigue atrapar un enorme pez espada con el que sostiene una titanica lucha ya que el pez lo arrastra mar adentro debido a su gran tamano. La...
Esta maravillosa historia escrita por Ernest Hemingway en 1951 es considerada como uno de los trabajos de ficcion mas destacados del siglo XX, reafirm...