Now in Currency paperback -- Sally Helgesen'sclassic study of female leaders and how theirstrategies represent a highly successful revision of maleleadership styles. Sixty thousand copies in print In her bestselling 1990 book, Sally Helgesendiscovered that men and women approach work infundamentally different ways. Many of these differenceshold distinct advantages for women, who excel atrunning organizations that foster creativity, cooperation, and intuitive decision-making power, necessities for companies of the twenty-first century.Helgesen's findings reveal that organizations run bywomen...
Now in Currency paperback -- Sally Helgesen'sclassic study of female leaders and how theirstrategies represent a highly successful revision of malelea...
"Web of inclusion" is used to describe integrated and organic organizations that become effective because management puts itself at the center rather than at the top.
"Web of inclusion" is used to describe integrated and organic organizations that become effective because management puts itself at the center rather ...