Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry presents the anatomical systems that take part in the scientific and clinical study of emotional functions and neuropsychiatric disorders. It discusses the limbic system-the cortical and subcortical structures in the human brain involved in emotion, motivation, and emotional association with memory-at length and how this is no longer a useful guide to the study of psychiatric disorders. The book provides an understanding of brain anatomy, with an emphasis on the new anatomical framework which has emerged during the last quarter century. The goal is to help...
Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry presents the anatomical systems that take part in the scientific and clinical study of emotional functions and ne...
The need in medicine and basic science for a sophisticated knowledge of human brain anatomy is greater now than ever before. Clinically, the emergence of ever more sophisticated brain imaging modalities and continually increasing capacity to precisely target specific sites for deep brain stimulation and focal lesions demand that neuroanatomical knowledge of the human brain keeps pace. Tremendous progress during the last thirty years in revealing details of neural connections and principles of organization of animal brains demands that the basic neuroscientist discern what these principles...
The need in medicine and basic science for a sophisticated knowledge of human brain anatomy is greater now than ever before. Clinically, the emergence...
The knowledge of the mammalian central nervous pared by Ms. Anne Dunn. I am truly grateful for system has increased dramatically during the last their contributions. decade, which has provided a major impetus for A caveat is in order for the first 5 figures in preparing the second edition of The Human Brain Chapter 10, which represent cross-sections through and Spinal Cord. For the medical profession this has different levels of the brainstem. Considering the been a revolutionary time, since modem imaging rapidly expanding reliance on in vivo imaging by the methods have provided unparalleled...
The knowledge of the mammalian central nervous pared by Ms. Anne Dunn. I am truly grateful for system has increased dramatically during the last their...
Times of dramatic progress in brain research have often been correlated with the development of new and powerful techniques that have changed the kinds of questions one can ask. An historical example may illustrate the point. More than 50 years ago, Nissl studies (Ferraro, 1928) showed that extensive forebrain lesions resulted in chromatolysis and cell loss in the sub- stantia nigra; thus, it was suggested that the substantia nigra gave rise to projections into the basal forebrain. In the late 1950s, another clue emerged, this time linking observations from the field of neuropathology with a...
Times of dramatic progress in brain research have often been correlated with the development of new and powerful techniques that have changed the kind...