Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies introduce believers to the books of the Bible and offer a thorough and balanced understanding of key themes of the Bible to cultivate a Spirit-filled perspective of the Bible's message for today.
Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies introduce believers to the books of the Bible and offer a thorough and ...
Spirit-filled believers will find new resources for understanding the Bible and applying biblical themes to their day-to-day lives in these interactive study guides.
Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies introduce believers to the books of the Bible and offer a thorough and balanced understanding of key themes of the Bible.
By studying the themes of the books, as well as the books themselves, these interactive studies offer groups and individuals a Spirit-filled perspective of the Bible's message for today.
Spirit-filled believers will find new resources for understanding the Bible and applying biblical themes to their day-to-day lives in these interac...
Spirit-filled believers will find new resources for understanding the Bible and applying biblical themes to their day-to-day lives in these interactive study guides.
Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies introduce believers to the books of the Bible and offer a thorough and balanced understanding of key themes of the Bible.
By studying the themes of the books, as well as the books themselves, these interactive studies offer groups and individuals a Spirit-filled perspective of the Bible's message for today.
Spirit-filled believers will find new resources for understanding the Bible and applying biblical themes to their day-to-day lives in these interac...
Evidence that evil is flourishing faces Christians every day, leaving many feeling hopeless and helpless. What they don't realize, says esteemed pastor Jack Hayford, is the power that is theirs through the cross. Instead, they labor under the misconception that spiritual warfare occurred only during biblical times. But it is right here, right now, says Pastor Jack. And for the first time he lays out the strategies he's learned for engaging and defeating evil--through prayer. With clarity and passion, he shows readers how to - develop powerful devotional habits - engage in...
Evidence that evil is flourishing faces Christians every day, leaving many feeling hopeless and helpless. What they don't realize, says esteemed pasto...
Jack W. Hayford Grupo Nelson Thomas Nelson Publishers
Esta guia de estudio, escrita por Roy Hicks, ofrece un enfoque dinamico y al mismo tiempo balanceado que le ayudara a comprender el poder de la fe biblica y como obtener la plena certeza de fe en su propio andar cristiano.
Esta guia de estudio, escrita por Roy Hicks, ofrece un enfoque dinamico y al mismo tiempo balanceado que le ayudara a comprender el poder de la fe bib...
Cuando se canta de corazon apunta hacia una vida practica de alabanza, hacia la forma de descubrir la adoracion satisfactoria en un sendero de regocijo y restauracion, mientras se captan destellos de la sabiduria y la obra de Dios.
Cuando se canta de corazon apunta hacia una vida practica de alabanza, hacia la forma de descubrir la adoracion satisfactoria en un sendero ...
Hacia una alabanza mas gloriosa le ayudara a descubrir la importancia de la adoracion en su diario vivir y aprendera maneras practicas de acoger la adoracion como un estilo de vida con fe de nino y nuevo poder en el Espiritu.
Hacia una alabanza mas gloriosa le ayudara a descubrir la importancia de la adoracion en su diario vivir y aprendera maneras practicas de acoge...
Cada cristiano enfrenta momentos cuando las presiones y las dificultades parecen obstaculizar el camino hacia el futuro. En Prisionero del gozo, usted puede estudiar las epistolas que escribio Pablo desde la prision. Vea como el apostol, a pesar de estar preso, se regocijaba, y descubra el secreto de su gozo.
Cada cristiano enfrenta momentos cuando las presiones y las dificultades parecen obstaculizar el camino hacia el futuro. En Prisionero del gozo...
Amplia en su alcance, La Guerra del Reino presenta principios clave, escenciales para la guerra espiritual contundente. Estudiara patrones de oracion practicos y aplicables de la vida, de como se manifiesta el papel de los angeles en la actualidad y como derrotar hoy en dia las obras de las tinieblas a traves de la oracion, la Palabra, la Cruz y el nombre de Jesus.
Amplia en su alcance, La Guerra del Reino presenta principios clave, escenciales para la guerra espiritual contundente. Estudiara patrones de o...