In the summer of 1931, folklorist Espinosa traveled throughout northern New Mexico asking Spanish-speaking residents for tales of olden times. These tales are available once again, in the original Spanish and now for the first time in English translation."
In the summer of 1931, folklorist Espinosa traveled throughout northern New Mexico asking Spanish-speaking residents for tales of olden times. These t...
Kids of all ages are always asking Joe Hayes, "How can it snow tortillas?" Well, now they'll know where to find the answer--at long last, Joe's signature book The Day It Snowed Tortillas is appearing in this new bilingual edition. Bloomsbury Review listed the original English-only edition as one of their fifteen all-time favorite children's books. Our bilingual edition has all the original stories as they have evolved in the last twenty years of Joe's storytelling. It also has new illustrations by award-winning artist Antonio Castro. Storytellers have been telling these...
Kids of all ages are always asking Joe Hayes, "How can it snow tortillas?" Well, now they'll know where to find the answer--at long last, Joe's sig...
So, you ve been in trouble. Your -parents tell you they re calling the bogeyman. You laugh. There s no such thing
Then you hear a sharp knock. Standing at the door is the oldest man you have ever seen. It s el Cucuy (coo-COO-ee) With that big red ear, he hears everything
In this cautionary tale, storyteller Joe Hayes tells about two girls who didn t believe in el Cucuy until he snatched them up. Of course, the story has a happy ending.
Joe Hayes has become one of America s premier bilingual storytellers. Hayes lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Illustrator...
So, you ve been in trouble. Your -parents tell you they re calling the bogeyman. You laugh. There s no such thing
"An entertaining marriage of pictures and words."--Kirkus Reviews
In 1996, master storyteller Joe Hayes and illustrator Rebecca Leer created A Spoon for Every Bite. It became an instant classic. In this lovely New Mexico folktale, a rich man tries to prove his wealth to his poor neighbors by using a new spoon for every bite. In the process, he's served a pretty dish of come-uppance. A Spoon for Every Bite is available for the first time in the bilingual format for which Hayes is famous.
Joe Hayes is one of America's premier storytellers--a nationally...
"An entertaining marriage of pictures and words."--Kirkus Reviews
In 1996, master storyteller Joe Hayes and illustrator Rebecca Leer c...
Soft Child, a poor gentle snake, is worried about getting stepped on as he moves on his belly across the desert. The other animals, especially Jackrabbit, are relentless in their pursuit of this defenseless creature, until Sky God comes up with a lasting solution to the problem--and Soft Child becomes known as "Rattlesnake".
Soft Child, a poor gentle snake, is worried about getting stepped on as he moves on his belly across the desert. The other animals, especially Jackrab...
In his classic bilingual style, Joe tells the story of a haunted house in a poor little town in Arizona. Even when the landlord offers free rent, nobody moves in because they know a ghost lives there. That is, until Elena's father rents it.
He doesn't believe in ghosts. Lucky for Elena that her grandmother knows all about the ways of ghosts. She helps her solve the mystery of the -ghost on the roof- while Elena learns a very important lesson about life.
In his classic bilingual style, Joe tells the story of a haunted house in a poor little town in Arizona. Even when the landlord offers free ren...