One of the benefits of the multicultural nature of Christianity has been the introduction of the Western church to worship music from around the world. However, while many songs from other parts of the world are now available in Western hymnal collections, little has been written to help church musicians and ministers understand, appreciate, and use these songs in worship. "Gather into One" fills this void.
In this volume C. Michael Hawn explores the work of five of the most influential global church musicians found in North American hymnals: Pablo Sosa (Argentina), I-to Loh (Taiwan), David...
One of the benefits of the multicultural nature of Christianity has been the introduction of the Western church to worship music from around the world...
As a troubadour for global music and an instigator of cross-cultural worship for more than 15 years in a variety of denominational settings, including congregational, national, and international venues, Michael Hawn has observed many faithful people who find that a taste of Pentecost in worship is refreshing and invigorating. In One Bread, One Body: Exploring Cultural Diversity in Worship, Hawn seeks to help bridge the gap between the human tendency to prefer ethnic and cultural homogeneity in worship and the church's mandate to offer a more diverse and inclusive experience. He offers a...
As a troubadour for global music and an instigator of cross-cultural worship for more than 15 years in a variety of denominational settings, including...