En A(c)tudiant la composition isotopique de la matiA]re organique des loess du Nord de la France et de la VallA(c)e du Rhin, nous avons montrA(c) que la composition isotopique de la matiA]re organique loessique ( 13Corg) constituait un marqueur stratigraphique permettant d'A(c)tablir des corrA(c)lations entre les sA(c)quences. De plus, nous nous sommes attachA(c)s A l'A(c)tablissement d'un protocole permettant de dater directement, au carbone 14, la matiA]re organique loessique. Disposant dA(c)sormais de chronologies fines et fiables, nous avons pu montrer que cette signature isotopique est...
En A(c)tudiant la composition isotopique de la matiA]re organique des loess du Nord de la France et de la VallA(c)e du Rhin, nous avons montrA(c) que ...
Slavery from Africa to the Americas charts the history of 24 million people taken from their homes in West Africa by force & their journey across the Atlantic Ocean to start their new lives in the Americas. It also looks at the developments in Europe and the USA that brought slavery to an end.
Slavery from Africa to the Americas charts the history of 24 million people taken from their homes in West Africa by force & their journey across the ...
The First World War 1914-18 explores the political situation that provided the breeding ground for war, and traces the course of the fighting that killed almost nine million soldiers. It goes on to look closely at the wartime experiences of many people, and briefly examines the changes that swept the world after the armistice was signed.
The First World War 1914-18 explores the political situation that provided the breeding ground for war, and traces the course of the fighting that kil...