This trilogy of ancient and medieval teenage diary stories with a time-travel theme spotlights their adventures in ancient Rome during the Republic in 150 BCE, Medieval Kiev, the Caucasus, Khazaria, and the Levant in the 9th and 10th century through the eyes of a 13-year old boy, a 16-year old girl, and their royal family in the days of the Kagan of the Khazars.
When the Kagan of the Khazars is captured and held in a Viking ship, his son must rescue him alone and help the family to walk from Khazaria to a new homeland. The boy and his father, masters of a thousand disguises must find a way...
This trilogy of ancient and medieval teenage diary stories with a time-travel theme spotlights their adventures in ancient Rome during the Republic in...
Put direct experience in a small package and launch it worldwide. Write your life story in short vignettes of 1,500 to 1,800 words.
Write eulogies and anecdotes or vignettes of life stories and personal histories for mini-biographies and autobiographies. Then condense or contract the life stories or personal histories into PowerPoint presentations and similar slide shows on disks using lots of photos and one-page of life story.
Finally, collect lots of vignettes and flesh-out the vignettes, linking them together into first-person diary-style novels and books, plays, skits, or other...
Put direct experience in a small package and launch it worldwide. Write your life story in short vignettes of 1,500 to 1,800 words.
Here is a collection of happy, nourishing hero-cat and loving human family historical, adventure, and time-travel stories and novels for all spite of the wars. It's Christmas. It's Hannukah. It's Ramadan. It's all holidays, and time for an adventure. For example, take the "Silk Road" stories:
"For where there's worship, there's more trade," Baghatur added.
The next morning was another hot day in July, and Bihar went along the road between the fields of wheat. Women were starting to work the fields again.
The children carried sheaves on their heads. Everything had to be...
Here is a collection of happy, nourishing hero-cat and loving human family historical, adventure, and time-travel stories and novels for all holidays....
Here's how to write yourself a career using Poser 5, 3-D animation, face, figure, and character design software and Corel desktop publishing and graphics design suite software for scrap booking, personal history desktop publishing, multimedia genealogy, time capsule making, quilting design online, digital journalism, life story writing, and other unique creative people-oriented businesses.
Writing for the newest media markets using Poser 5 3-D animation software and/or Corel's Word Perfect Office Suite 12 (and beyond) or Corel's Graphic Design Suite 12 (and beyond) is a journey into the...
Here's how to write yourself a career using Poser 5, 3-D animation, face, figure, and character design software and Corel desktop publishing and graph...
Here is a step-by-step guide to writing historical skits, plays, or monologues for all ages from true life stories, genealogy records, oral history, DNA-driven anthropology, social issues, current events, and personal history of early colonial era settlers. Put direct experience in a small package and launch it worldwide.
You could emphasize the early New England 17th century settlers and their diaries of family life, food, clothing, marriage, spirituality, customs, or significant life events, migrations, work, lifestyle, or turning points.
Write your life story or your ancestor's or...
Here is a step-by-step guide to writing historical skits, plays, or monologues for all ages from true life stories, genealogy records, oral history, D...
Here's a guide book on how to write 45-minute one-act plays, skits, and monologues for "all ages." Step-by-step strategies and sample play, monologue, and animation script offer easy-to-understand solutions for drama workshop leaders, high-school and university drama directors, teachers, students, parents, coaches, playwrights, scriptwriters, novelists, storytellers, camp counselors, actors, lifelong learning instructors, biographers, facilitators, personal historians, and senior center activity directors.
Guide young people in an intergenerational experience of interviewing and writing...
Here's a guide book on how to write 45-minute one-act plays, skits, and monologues for "all ages." Step-by-step strategies and sample play, monologue,...
"Cutting Expenses and Getting More for Less: 41+ Ways to Earn an Income from Opportune Living," offers both practical steps and strategies on how to pay less for more benefits, quality, and comfort from the basic necessities and at the same time earn a living in 41+ different services and businesses that offer others information or services on how to live better with fewer expenses, higher quality, and more benefits.
You get what you pay for. Here's how to start cutting expenses, finding hidden markets, and getting higher quality items. Find dozens of practical solutions emphasizing...
"Cutting Expenses and Getting More for Less: 41+ Ways to Earn an Income from Opportune Living," offers both practical steps and strategies on how to p...
This book is meant to empower the general consumer with knowledge about DNA testing for predisposition to diseases or for deep maternal and paternal ancestry when written records are absent. At home-genetic testing needs watchdogs, Web sites, and guidebooks to interpret test results in plain language for those with no science background.
Online, you'll find genetic tests for ancestry or for familial (genetic, inherited) disease risks. What helpful suggestions do general consumers with no science background need to consider?
What's new in medical marketing is genetic testing online for...
This book is meant to empower the general consumer with knowledge about DNA testing for predisposition to diseases or for deep maternal and paternal a...
Here's how to transform your interest in popular health topics such as gene hunters, medical trends, self-help, nutrition, current issues, or pets into writing salable feature articles for popular publications.
Become a health-aware feature writer, journalist, editor, indexer, abstractor, proofreader, information broker, book packager, investigative reporter, pharmaceutical copywriter, or documentary video producer. Here are the skills you'll need to transform your interest in popular science into writing health and medical feature and filler articles or columns for a wide variety of...
Here's how to transform your interest in popular health topics such as gene hunters, medical trends, self-help, nutrition, current issues, or pets int...
Word or number games and puzzles, reading, writing creatively and analytically, or conversation may be the best methods for keeping the mind sharp. Use it or lose it applies to memory. And crossword puzzle design or solving is one excellent way to begin to sharpen and focus as well as stay creative and analytical.
Solve these puzzles to enhance your memory at any age. Or design your own puzzles based on your interest in a specific subject area or using general knowledge.
Try your hand at humorous puzzles or puzzles on one subject such as medical terminology, anthropology, genetics,...
Word or number games and puzzles, reading, writing creatively and analytically, or conversation may be the best methods for keeping the mind sharp. Us...