"These funny, filthy, and terrifically smart letters reveal him in a way that no biographer can." -- New York Newsday Guru of the Beat generation, eminence grise of the international avant-garde, dark prophet, and blackest of satirists, William S. Burroughs has had a range of influence rivaled by few living writers. This volume of his correspondence from 1945 to 1959 vividly documents the personal and cultural history through which Burroughs developed, revealing clues to illuminate his life and keys to open up his texts. More than that, it shows how letter-writing was...
"These funny, filthy, and terrifically smart letters reveal him in a way that no biographer can." -- New York Newsday Guru of the Beat gen...
Unraveling the mysteries of "Naked Lunch, "exploring the allure of fascination
William Burroughs is both an object of widespread cultural fascination and one of America s great writers. In this study, Oliver Harris elucidates the complex play of secrecy and revelation that defines the allure of fascination. Unraveling the mystifications of Burroughs the writer, Harris discovers what it means to be fascinated by a figure of major cultural influence and unearths a secret history behind the received story of one of America s great original writers.
In "William Burroughs and the Secret...
Unraveling the mysteries of "Naked Lunch, "exploring the allure of fascination
William Burroughs is both an object of widespread cultural fascin...
In January 1953, William S. Burroughs began an expedition into the jungles of South America to find yage, the fabled hallucinogen of the Amazon. From the notebooks he kept and the letters he wrote home to Allen Ginsberg, Burroughs composed a narrative of his adventures that later appeared as The Yage Letters. For this edition, Oliver Harris has gone back to the original manuscripts and untangled the history of the text, telling the fascinating story of its genesis and cultural importance. Also included in this edition are extensive materials, never before published, by both...
In January 1953, William S. Burroughs began an expedition into the jungles of South America to find yage, the fabled hallucinogen of the Ama...
"Naked Lunch" was banned, castigated, and recognized as a work of genius on its first publication in 1959, and fifty years later it has lost nothing of its power to astonish, shock, and inspire. A lacerating satire, an exorcism of demons, a grotesque cabinet of horrors, it is the Black Book of the Beat Generation, the forerunner of the psychedelic counterculture, and a progenitor of postmodernism and the digital age. A work of excoriating laughter, linguistic derangement, and transcendent beauty, it remains both influential and inimitable.This is the first book devoted in its entirety to...
"Naked Lunch" was banned, castigated, and recognized as a work of genius on its first publication in 1959, and fifty years later it has lost nothing o...
The most ferociously political and prophetic book of Burroughs's "cut-up" trilogy, "Nova Express" fires the reader into a textual outer space the better to see our burning planet and the operations of the Nova Mob in all their ugliness. As the new edition demonstrates, the shortest of the three books was cut by Burroughs from an extraordinary wealth of typescripts to create a visionary demand to take back the world that has been stolen from us. Edited from the original manuscripts by renowned Burroughs scholar Oliver Harris, this revised edition incorporates an introduction and appendices of...
The most ferociously political and prophetic book of Burroughs's "cut-up" trilogy, "Nova Express" fires the reader into a textual outer space the bett...
As this new edition reveals, the cultural reach of "The Ticket That Exploded" has expanded with the viral logic of Burroughs s multimedia methods, recycling itself into our digital environment. A last chance antidote to the virus of lies spread by the ad men and con men of the Nova Mob, Burroughs s book is an outrageous hybrid of pulp science fiction, obscene experimental poetry, and manifesto for revolutionas fresh today as it ever has been. Edited from the original manuscripts by renowned Burroughs scholar Oliver Harris, this revised edition incorporates an introduction and appendices of...
As this new edition reveals, the cultural reach of "The Ticket That Exploded" has expanded with the viral logic of Burroughs s multimedia methods, rec...
A total assault on the powers that turn humans into machines by writing and fixing our life scripts, Burroughs' original "cut-up" book was itself rewritten in three different forms. This new edition of The Soft Machine clarifies for the first time the extraordinary history of its writing and rewriting, demolishes the myths of his chance-based writing methods, and demonstrates for a new generation the significance of Burroughs' greatest experiment. Edited from the original manuscripts by renowned Burroughs scholar Oliver Harris, this revised edition incorporates an introduction and...
A total assault on the powers that turn humans into machines by writing and fixing our life scripts, Burroughs' original "cut-up" book was itself rewr...
In this gritty, white-knuckle crime thriller, Detective Nick Belsey--introduced in the acclaimed The Hollow Man as a shrewd, street-smart cynic who is one of London's sharpest, but most unprincipled, investigators--is plunged into a perplexing mystery of secrets, danger, and suspense beneath the city's streets.
Trouble once again finds Nick Belsey when he takes a date to an abandoned bomb shelter buried beneath the heart of London. One minute the young woman is there, and the next, she's gone, mysteriously vanishing into the dark labyrinth of secret tunnels. A seasoned cop...
In this gritty, white-knuckle crime thriller, Detective Nick Belsey--introduced in the acclaimed The Hollow Man as a shrewd, street-smart ...
From the author of the acclaimed The Hollow Man and Deep Shelter, comes the third installment featuring the shrewd, cynical, and brilliant London detective, Nick Belsey, whose investigation into a child's disappearance pulls him into the hedonistic orbit of a young, hot celebrity actress/musician and the dark world lurking underneath its glamorous exterior.
Twenty-seven, rich and beautiful, Amber Knight is living everyone's dream. Her music career is established, her acting career is taking off, and she has a lifestyle fit for the top of the A-List....
From the author of the acclaimed The Hollow Man and Deep Shelter, comes the third installment featuring the shrewd, cynical, and ...
Lacan s Return to Antiquity is the first book devoted to the role of classical antiquity in Lacan s work. Oliver Harris poses a question familiar from studies of Freud: what are Ancient Greece and Rome doing in a twentieth-century theory of psychology? In Lacan s case, the issue has an additional edge, for he employs antiquity to demonstrate what is radically "new "about psychoanalysis. It is a tool with which to convey the revolutionary power of Freud s ideas by digging down to the philosophical questions beneath them. It is through these questions that Lacan allies psychoanalysis with...
Lacan s Return to Antiquity is the first book devoted to the role of classical antiquity in Lacan s work. Oliver Harris poses a question familiar f...