In this pathbreaking anthology, Marie Harris and Kathleen Aguero have brought together poems representing a diversity of American voices and identities--among them Native, Asian, and black Americans; Chicano and Puerto Rican writers; gay and lesbian poets; writers of working-class background; and poets writing from American prisons.
"It is not in our common interest," write the editors, "to pretend that a single voice speaks for all our citizens or that the language we use is static." The language and culture of the United States is alive with the influences of many immigrant and native...
In this pathbreaking anthology, Marie Harris and Kathleen Aguero have brought together poems representing a diversity of American voices and identi...
Discover New Hampshire and its rich heritage, unique natural history, and groundbreaking citizens. "G is for Granite: A New Hampshire Alphabet" is a detailed picture book that introduces children to the beauty and wonder of New Hampshire, from its numerous covered bridges to the delightful call of the ovenbird and even the coveted New Hampshire primary elections.
"G is for Granite: A New Hampshire Alphabet" is written in simple rhyme for preschool through second graders, and features side bar expository text for older students and adults. Illustrations are by Karen Holman.
Discover New Hampshire and its rich heritage, unique natural history, and groundbreaking citizens. "G is for Granite: A New Hampshire Alphabet" is a d...