The Lyndee's "Come With Me Series" is adventures in a child's formative years. The experiences of life growing up in a family of seven children, being taunted by siblings, other children and adults because of my size only dampened my outlook about myself for a moment. I was sad and cried but the hurts were stored inside and a smile returned. The 99 on Lyndee's clothes is a reminder of a time in life when my Mother purchased a pair of jeans for me from a Thrift Store with the number 99 on the pocket of the jeans. I worked in the fields picking strawberries when I was six years old and wore my...
The Lyndee's "Come With Me Series" is adventures in a child's formative years. The experiences of life growing up in a family of seven children, being...
Always encourage children to use their imagination. Our children's imaginations are the inventions of tomorrow. If we listen, care and share a child's imagination it will increase their self-esteem. Enjoy the world through a child's imagination and enjoy the ride on Lyndee's Magic Blue Bike Kindness Always Wins
Always encourage children to use their imagination. Our children's imaginations are the inventions of tomorrow. If we listen, care and share a child's...