This beloved anthology, a favorite of students, teachers, parents, and dramatists for decades, offers a collection of twenty plays to be performed for young audiences or by child actors.
Plays Children Love: Volume II--replacing the earlier volume, which is now out of print--adheres to the same format of Jennings and Harris' earlier classic: a choice of plays for adults to perform for children as well as a choice of plays for kids to produce and perform themselves. Among the favorites collected here: Charlotte's Web, The Wizard of Oz, Treasure Island,...
This beloved anthology, a favorite of students, teachers, parents, and dramatists for decades, offers a collection of twenty plays to be performed ...
p>George Bernard Shaw. Adapted and abridged by Aurand Harris
Characters: 3 male, 2 female. Interior Set
Probably Shaw's most popular play, "Candida" recounts the love sickness of young poet Eugene Marchbanks for Candida, wife of the Rev. Morell. At first, Morell is amused; but when he begins to doubt his wife's love, he becomes disturbed and angered. The poet becomes the stronger suitor, Morell realizes his weaknesses and Candida, one of the most remarkable women in dramatic literature, gives strength to her husband and teaches Marchbanks how to love. Harris offers a superb...
p>George Bernard Shaw. Adapted and abridged by Aurand Harris
Six Plays for Children by Aurand Harris brings together a variety of dramatic forms that have enormously enriched the literature of children's theatre in this country and around the world. These works by this respected children's theatre playwright show Harris's great versatility: in the commedia dell'arte of Androcles and the Lion; the musical melodrama Rags to Riches; the sober, absurd comedy Punch and Judy; the realistic historical drama Steal Away Home; the farce Peck's Bad Boy; and the musical review...
Six Plays for Children by Aurand Harris brings together a variety of dramatic forms that have enormously enriched the literature of ch...