Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world Parables: Jesus, the wisest man who ever lived, had much to say about God, the human heart, the future, life, anger, love, and everything that mattered. Digging into the treasure trove of the wisdom and truth hidden in his parables will stretch minds, feed souls, pierce hearts, and shape his followers into true disciples.
Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world Parables: Jesus, the wisest man who ever lived, had m...
Real Christian faith doesn't remain hidden in the heart: It shows itself through the lives we live. Faith grows as we cultivate perseverance, humility, and patience -- key attributes that the book of James commends. James calls us to demonstrate our faith in practical ways in the world around us. Studying James will help you prove the reality of your faith through sound actions, attitudes, and words in your everyday life.
Real Christian faith doesn't remain hidden in the heart: It shows itself through the lives we live. Faith grows as we cultivate perseverance, humil...
The Story Bible study provides groups of all sizes the opportunity to discuss and apply what they experience during the 31-week The Story church campaign. In 31 sessions, this study opens participants' eyes to God s master plan, unfolding in the lives of the Bible s characters as well as their own lives."
The Story Bible study provides groups of all sizes the opportunity to discuss and apply what they experience during the 31-week The Story church campa...
In this six-session small-group study guide you will learn and study this powerful book of Scripture and you will see the Holy Spirit mold and shape you into a person who is ready to meet Jesus.
In this six-session small-group study guide you will learn and study this powerful book of Scripture and you will see the Holy Spirit mold and shape y...
How to Find Your Best Fit Whether you grew up going to church twice on Sundays or never set foot in a church at all, finding and sinking your roots into a church community is crucial to your spiritual well-being. Finding the right church home can be a huge challenge, and also a lot of fun. Kevin and Sherry Harney point out that, while no church is perfect, some will fit you better than others. They show what a healthy church looks like, how to handle hot issues facing churches today, and how to determine whether a church's unique worship style will inspire or distract you. Even better, the...
How to Find Your Best Fit Whether you grew up going to church twice on Sundays or never set foot in a church at all, finding and sinking your roots in...
The book of Proverbs is the world's greatest treasury of wisdom. It offers practical insights for day-to-day discussions and provides moral guidelines for living in an immoral world. As you unearth the riches of Proverbs, you will discover why "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" for all the affairs of everyday life.
The book of Proverbs is the world's greatest treasury of wisdom. It offers practical insights for day-to-day discussions and provides moral guidelines...
The Psalms are the Bible's book of music-without-notes whose "lyrics" portray the greatness of God. Ranging the spectrum of human experience and emotion, the Psalms acclaim God's majesty and righteousness and reveal his everlasting love for his people. Your heart will feel the psalmists' passion -- and your prayer and worship life will deepen as Israel's sacred songbook brings you "heart to heart with God."
The Psalms are the Bible's book of music-without-notes whose "lyrics" portray the greatness of God. Ranging the spectrum of human experience and emoti...
If you've ever. . . -wondered what's in the Bible Jesus studied -promised yourself, "One of these days, I'm going to get serious about reading the whole Old Testament" -wanted a personal "guide" to lead you through unfamiliar territory in the Old Testament . . . then this book is for you Discover the Life-Changing Relevance of the Old Testament Taking the Old Testament Challenge is an integral part of Old Testament Challenge, a dynamic program for churches. This individual reading guide brings the Old Testament up close and personal as each participant takes a life-transforming journey...
If you've ever. . . -wondered what's in the Bible Jesus studied -promised yourself, "One of these days, I'm going to get serious about reading the ...
You can serve God and his people for a lifetime and do it with passion and joy. You do not have to become another casualty in the growing number of leaders who have compromised their integrity, character, and ministry because they failed to lead an examined and accountable life. The road forward is clearly marked. Leaders must make a decision to humbly and consistently examine their inner lives and identify areas of needed change and growth. Also, wise leaders commit to listen to the voices of those who will love them enough to speak the truth and point out problems and potential pitfalls....
You can serve God and his people for a lifetime and do it with passion and joy. You do not have to become another casualty in the growing number of...