Because You Can't Take it with You Getting Started in Estate Planning "I think it's irritating that once I die, 55% of my money goes to the United States government.. When you leave a house or money to people, then they're taxed 55%, so you've got to leave them enough so that once they're taxed, they still have some money." -- Oprah Winfrey (from The Wall Street Journal, July 28, 1999) Few of us are as rich as Oprah, but whether your estate consists of an old Ford Thunderbird, your beloved dog, or millions of dollars in property and cash, in most cases, it will be left behind after you're...
Because You Can't Take it with You Getting Started in Estate Planning "I think it's irritating that once I die, 55% of my money goes to the United Sta...
Reinvent your own career or pursue a long-held dream. You may never have a better chance or reason to do so to get excited about work again and feel passionate about making a difference in the world. Your new career could easily outlast your first one. Breaking into a new industry or pursuing a different career can be intimidating, especially when you ve built up years of experience in your current field. But jobs expert Kerry Hannon believes that you can start your next act at any age. In What s Next? Hannon shows you how, with inspiring real-life profiles of people...
Reinvent your own career or pursue a long-held dream. You may never have a better chance or reason to do so to get excited about work again...
AWARDS: Independent Publisher Book Award 2015 (Silver) and National Mature Media Award 2015 (Bronze)
Step-by-step tips for revitalizing your career
Yes, it is possible to have a job you love, and it doesn't require starting from scratch. Love Your Job is a guide to making work fulfilling and fun -- again, or even for the first time. Why count down the hours of the day or the days to retirement when you could reinvigorate your workday, transforming the daily doldrums into a daily dose of enjoyable activity? Kerry Hannon, The New York Times...
AWARDS: Independent Publisher Book Award 2015 (Silver) and National Mature Media Award 2015 (Bronze)
Education plus experience once guaranteed a successful career, but no more Today, success depends on your ability to adapt. You must be agile, willing to adjust your professional expectations, and able to respond quickly to opportunities and threats. In "Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO" you will learn practical ways to handle vexing workplace challenges. Each chapter uses true stories to illustrate the answers to common questions, including: How to leave your old job smoothly and start your new one with confidence and flair. How to gracefully accept praise for your...
Education plus experience once guaranteed a successful career, but no more Today, success depends on your ability to adapt. You must be agile, willin...
Kerry Hannon's national bestseller, Great Jobs for Everyone 50+, has become the job-hunting bible for people in their forties, fifties, and beyond. With her no-nonsense style, Hannon shows where the opportunities are and how to get them.
In this completely revised edition, Hannon offers twice as many jobs and brand-new material to market your skills in today's job market, with expert tips on revamping a rEsumE, networking, interviewing like a pro, building a social media platform to stand out in the...
You can find profitable, fulfilling work after 50
Kerry Hannon's national bestseller, Great Jobs for Everyone 50+, has...