Barbara Hannah was a close associate of C.G. Jung. This book features a seminar she gave in Zurich in 1954 on the images of the cat, dog, and horse in psychic life of humankind, addressing dreams, mythology, and culture.
This is an examination of Eastern and Western views on the afterlife and the effect this has on attitudes and beliefs.
Barbara Hannah was a close associate of C.G. Jung. This book features a seminar she gave in Zurich in 1954 on the images of the cat, dog, and horse in...
Barbara Hannah studies the psychic processes that move people to strive for wholeness of personality, an integration of all innate capacities. Since this inner drama manifests itself with special intensity in the lives of creative individuals, she has taken up the biographies and literary productions of five major English novelists--Robert Louis Stevenson, Mary Webb, and Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte--along with one nonliterary artist: Branwell Bronte.
Not only do Stevenson, Webb, and the four Brontes take on fresh, unsuspected dimensions, but the concepts of analytical psychology are...
Barbara Hannah studies the psychic processes that move people to strive for wholeness of personality, an integration of all innate capacities. Since t...
Barbara Hannah, Jungian analyst and author, explores Jung's method of "active imagination," often considered the most powerful tool in analytical psychology for achieving direct contact with the unconscious and attaining greater inner awareness. Using historical and contemporary case studies, Hannah traces the human journey toward personal wholeness. This approach to confronting the unconscious is a healing process that applies to both men and women and deals in depth with the injured feminine as well as many powerful archetypal forces.
Barbara Hannah, Jungian analyst and author, explores Jung's method of "active imagination," often considered the most powerful tool in analytical psyc...
Aion, a major work from Jung's later years, has long been a source of fascination for a wide variety of scholars and thinkers. Presented here are two substantial commentaries concerning this rich and complex text by two important figures in Jung's life and work: Barbara Hannah and Marie-Louise von Franz. This is the first volume in a series edited by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas, "Polarities in the Psyche," focusing on the broad theme of the opposites in the psyche. The next volume is "The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals."
Hannah delivered these lectures at the C. G. Jung Institute in...
Aion, a major work from Jung's later years, has long been a source of fascination for a wide variety of scholars and thinkers. Presented here are t...
In The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals, Barbara Hannah, a student and a close friend of C.G. Jung, presents lectures on the symbolic meaning of several domestic and wild animals. According to Jung, the animal is sublime and, in fact, represents the "divine" side of the human psyche. He believed that animals live much more in contact with a "secret" order in nature itself and--far more than human beings--live in close contact with "absolute knowledge" of the unconscious. In contrast to humankind, the animal is the living being that follows its own inner laws beyond good and...
In The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals, Barbara Hannah, a student and a close friend of C.G. Jung, presents lectures on the symbolic meani...