Waldo's back in the picture in a brand-new adventure Find the bespectacled traveler in never-before-seen illustrations, along with special stickers and a slew of other novel features. Waldo's back, and he's anxious to show you his pictures. But not so fast you have to find them first. Enter Odlaw's Picture Gallery and admire the framed images, then try to track them down in the crowded scenes that follow. Got the picture? Now frame it, using the handy stickers at the back of the book. But your challenge is just beginning There are hidden characters and objects to hunt for,...
Waldo's back in the picture in a brand-new adventure Find the bespectacled traveler in never-before-seen illustrations, along with special sticker...
Take the Wally challenge and go up and down the Corridors of Time, wander the Fantastic Flower Garden, witness the Mighty Fruit Fight, visit Clown Town and see many other wondrous Wonderlands! This adventure book has Wally and friends hiding in each detail
Take the Wally challenge and go up and down the Corridors of Time, wander the Fantastic Flower Garden, witness the Mighty Fruit Fight, visit Clown Tow...
Wow! Wally and his friends are in the land where dreams are made. This book lets you hunt for Wally and his friends, who are hidden in intricately-detailed scenes. It also includes a magnifying glass.
Wow! Wally and his friends are in the land where dreams are made. This book lets you hunt for Wally and his friends, who are hidden in intricately-det...
Join Wally is on his quest through magical and bizarre fantasy lands. This book lets you hunt for Wally and his friends who are hidden in intricately-detailed scenes. It also includes a magnifying glass.
Join Wally is on his quest through magical and bizarre fantasy lands. This book lets you hunt for Wally and his friends who are hidden in intricately-...
The hunt for Wally is on Wally, along with his friends, are fiendishly hidden in every intricately-detailed scene. Hours of fun and games await in this classic miniature edition of the activity book that kick-started a worldwide phenomenon.
The hunt for Wally is on Wally, along with his friends, are fiendishly hidden in every intricately-detailed scene. Hours of fun and games await in th...
He s a master of the paper trail Keep your eyes peeled for Waldo s amazing seventh adventure his most interactive journey ever. Take a page from Waldo s sketchbook but first you ll have to find it In this new classic title, fans follow the wily guy through more astounding scenes, each containing a maddeningly hard-to-find piece of paper torn from his sketchpad. Add in an exciting parade, a confounding maze, the trickiest spot-the-difference challenge in history, and Martin Handford s incomparable artwork, and you ve got one extraordinary hands-on expedition. Waldo lovers will have tons...
He s a master of the paper trail Keep your eyes peeled for Waldo s amazing seventh adventure his most interactive journey ever. Take a page from ...
Looking for Waldo's twenty-fifth anniversary? Search no more. the time has come and we're celebrating our favorite wanderer in style
For a quarter of a century, the bespectacled Waldo has held a place as a beloved cultural icon. Now, in honor of his anniversary, Candlewick is reissuing the classic Waldo adventure with special features worthy of a stalwart hero. This new Where's Waldo? edition boasts:
-- a striking new jacketed cover
-- an original poster on the underside of the jacket
-- a spot-the-difference game between the jacket and self-cover designs
Looking for Waldo's twenty-fifth anniversary? Search no more. the time has come and we're celebrating our favorite wanderer in style
Where's Waldo? He's in the holiday spirit in an exciting new sticker book.
A perfect gift to celebrate Waldo's twenty-fifth year
It's Waldo's world, and it's all decked out for Christmas Snowmen, skis, toys, and other wintry images from Waldo's previous adventures combine with unique new artwork to create a hide-and-seek holiday extravaganza. Hundreds of stickers add dimension to the hunt, while a special gatefold spread invites readers into Waldo's world. Young seekers will adore the stickers and the "create-your-own-Waldo" activity, while longtime fans will revel in the...
Where's Waldo? He's in the holiday spirit in an exciting new sticker book.
A perfect gift to celebrate Waldo's twenty-fifth year