You've seen it on the news too many times to count. School shootings, adolescent addictions, bullying, eating disorders, depression and suicide, cutting, pregnancy. There is no lack of bad news to be told about teenagers today. Maybe you believe that will never happen to "my child." And maybe it won't. But crises aren't always the stories that make the evening news. The spectrum of crises an adolescent may face can range from something as (seemingly harmless) as getting caught cheating on a test to dealing with the breakdown of the family, to acting out and getting in trouble with the law....
You've seen it on the news too many times to count. School shootings, adolescent addictions, bullying, eating disorders, depression and suicide, cu...
When youth work becomes crisis managers. Anyone who stays in youth ministry for a while will encounter significant crises. Family break-ups, substance abuse, sexual assault, eating disorders, cutting, suicide, gun violenceS But without proper and immediate care, crises like these can cause years of emotional pain and spiritual scarring in students. Rich Van Pelt and Jim Hancock want to help you prevent that from happening. Through their experience and expertise, youll learn how to: -Respond quickly and effectively to crisis -Balance legal, ethical, and spiritual outcomes -Forge preventive...
When youth work becomes crisis managers. Anyone who stays in youth ministry for a while will encounter significant crises. Family break-ups, substa...
Usted lo ha visto en las noticias demasiadas veces como para llevar la cuenta: tiroteos en los colegios, adicciones de los adolescentes, pleitos, desordenes alimenticios, depresion y suicidio, insultos, embarazos. No faltan las malas noticias acerca de los adolescentes hoy. Tal vez usted piense que eso nunca le sucedera a mi hijo. Y quizas sea asi. Sin embargo, las crisis no siempre son historias que aparecen en los noticieros vespertinos. La variedad de crisis que el adolescente enfrenta puede variar desde algo (al parecer tan inocuo) como verse atrapado haciendo trampas en un examen, tener...
Usted lo ha visto en las noticias demasiadas veces como para llevar la cuenta: tiroteos en los colegios, adicciones de los adolescentes, pleitos, deso...
Sex saturates the world our students are growing up in. Everywhere they look (or listen) they can hear all kinds of messages about sexuality, and most of it probably isn't helping them develop a healthy understanding of how their own sexuality fits into God's plan for their lives. In Good Sex 2.0: A Whole-Person Approach to Teenage Sexuality and God, you'll find tools to help you (and parents of teens) involve your students in understanding, enjoying, and taking responsibility for their sexuality--all without lecturing, intimidating, or moralizing. The Good Sex 2.0 curriculum gives you...
Sex saturates the world our students are growing up in. Everywhere they look (or listen) they can hear all kinds of messages about sexuality, and m...