The editors of the best-selling rediscovered Tolkien novel Roverandom present an expanded fiftieth anniversary edition of Tolkien's beloved classic Farmer Giles of Ham, complete with a map, the original story outline, the original first-edition illustrations by Pauline Baynes, and the author's notes for an unpublished sequel. Farmer Giles of Ham is a light-hearted satire for readers of all ages that tells the tale of a reluctant hero who must save his village from a dragon. It is a small gem of a tale that grows more delightful with each rereading.
The editors of the best-selling rediscovered Tolkien novel Roverandom present an expanded fiftieth anniversary edition of Tolkien's beloved classic Fa...
This lavishly produced celebration of Tolkien's art--from his earliest sketches to his work in "The Hobbit"--contains many never-before-published illustrations, along with detailed descriptions of the important relationship between his illustrations and his novels.
This lavishly produced celebration of Tolkien's art--from his earliest sketches to his work in "The Hobbit"--contains many never-before-published illu...
J.R.R. Tolkien s complete artwork for "The Hobbit," presented for the first time in this edition. When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote "The Hobbit," he was already an accomplished amateur artist, and drew illustrations for his book while it was still in manuscript. "The Hobbit" as first printed had ten black-and-white pictures, two maps, and binding and dust jacket designs by its author. Later, Tolkien also painted five scenes for color plates, which comprise some of his best work. His illustrations for "The Hobbit" add an extra dimension to that remarkable book, and have long influenced how...
J.R.R. Tolkien s complete artwork for "The Hobbit," presented for the first time in this edition. When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote "The Hobbit," he w...
Hammond, Wayne G.; Scull, Christina; Tolkien, John R. R.
Ein Fest der Vorstellungskraft: die Bilder und Zeichnungen von Tolkiens Hand§J. R. R. Tolkiens kreative Gabe äußerte sich nicht nur in sprachlicher, sondern immer auch in bildlicher Form - von der schnellen Skizze bis zu visionären Landschaftsansichten.
Ein Fest der Vorstellungskraft: die Bilder und Zeichnungen von Tolkiens Hand§J. R. R. Tolkiens kreative Gabe äußerte sich nicht nur in sprachlicher...
J.R.R. Tolkien's complete artwork for his magisterial novel, published on the sixtieth anniversary of The Lord of the Rings
As he wrote The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien s mental pictures often found expression in drawing, from rough sketches made within the manuscript to more finished illustrations. Only a few of these were meant for publication; most were aids to help Tolkien conceive his complex story and keep it consistent. Many do not illustrate the final text, but represent moments of creation, illuminating Tolkien s process of writing and design. In...
J.R.R. Tolkien's complete artwork for his magisterial novel, published on the sixtieth anniversary of The Lord of the Rings
Stunning three-volume slipcased set containing the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien's life and works ever published, including synopses of all his writings, and a Tolkien gazetteer, who's who and chronology.
Stunning three-volume slipcased set containing the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien's life and works ever published, including synopse...
Alle Originalillustrationen Tolkiens zum Herr der Ringe
Die Kunst des 'Herr der Ringe' versammelt alle Zeichnungen, Inschriften, Karten und Pläne J.R.R. Tolkiens zu seinem Hauptwerk in einem luxuriösen Band. Von den 180 Illustrationen werden mehr als die Hälfte zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht.
Alle Originalillustrationen Tolkiens zum Herr der Ringe
Die Kunst des 'Herr der Ringe' versammelt alle Zeichnungen, Inschriften, Karten und P...