These fifty-four poems, spanning four decades, depict a landscape at once recognizably mundane and grotesquely surreal. Grass's spirited humor and linguistic creativity transcend the cant of political poetry. The German originals face the translation. Translated by Michael Hamburger. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book
These fifty-four poems, spanning four decades, depict a landscape at once recognizably mundane and grotesquely surreal. Grass's spirited humor and lin...
After Nature, W. G. Sebald's first literary work, now translated into English by Michael Hamburger, explores the lives of three men connected by their restless questioning of humankind's place in the natural world. From the efforts of each, -an order arises, in places beautiful and comforting, though more cruel, too, than the previous state of ignorance.- The first figure is the great German Re-naissance painter Matthias Grunewald. The second is the Enlightenment botanist-explorer Georg Steller, who accompanied Bering to the Arctic. The third is the author himself, who describes his...
After Nature, W. G. Sebald's first literary work, now translated into English by Michael Hamburger, explores the lives of three men connected b...
This anthology of German verse in English translation covers a period that includes perhaps two-thirds of the superlative poets of the German language. Here are 147 poems representing 27 poets from Matthias Claudius to Friedrich Nietzsche. The selection is representative, including both the universally known (Goethe, Schiller, Holderlin) and the less familiar (Brentano, Droste-Hulshoff, Holty, Hebbel, Storm). Among the translations are classics by Coleridge, Longfellow, and the Irish poet James Mangan.
This anthology of German verse in English translation covers a period that includes perhaps two-thirds of the superlative poets of the German langu...
From a Diary of Non-Events captures a year in the life of Michael Hamburger, from December 2000 to November 2001, observing changes in the natural world alongside the preoccupations and ruminations of the poet in and around his home in a Suffolk village. Occasionally intruding upon these non-events' are the larger concerns of the outside world. Hamburger's skill in synthesising the two strands results in a compelling narrative in which, as in all great sequences, the whole strikes us as more than the sum of its parts. Michael Hamburger was born in Berlin in 1924, and came to Britain as...
From a Diary of Non-Events captures a year in the life of Michael Hamburger, from December 2000 to November 2001, observing changes in the natu...
Michael Hamburger's fifth collection since the publication of Collected Poems 1941-1994 gathers his poems written during 2004-2006, a productive period in which he has set aside translation work to concentrate on his own poetry. His intimate knowledge of the English landscape and wildlife underpins his meditations on mortality and the passing of time in these subtle and compelling poems. Michael Hamburger OBE was born in Berlin in 1924, and moved to Britain in 1933. In addition to his many books of poetry, he has published several collections of essays, a study of modernist poetry...
Michael Hamburger's fifth collection since the publication of Collected Poems 1941-1994 gathers his poems written during 2004-2006, a productiv...
-Baudelaire's prose poems were written at long intervals during the last twelve or thirteen years of his life. The prose poem was a medium much suited to his habits and character. Being pre-eminently a moralist, he needed a medium that enabled him to illustrate a moral insight as briefly and vividly as possible. Being an artist and sensualist, he needed a medium that was epigrammatic or aphoristic, but allowed him scope for fantasy and for that element of suggestiveness which he considered essential to beauty. His thinking about...
From the introduction by Michael Hamburger:
-Baudelaire's prose poems were written at long intervals during the last twelve or thirte...
An elegy for and a celebration of life in our century as we approach the end of the millennium, this title presents a narrative meditation in a developing series of short passages.
An elegy for and a celebration of life in our century as we approach the end of the millennium, this title presents a narrative meditation in a develo...
A collection of Michael Hamburger's short poems. His strong and sinuous poems are alert to the intersections of past and present, of continuity and change.
A collection of Michael Hamburger's short poems. His strong and sinuous poems are alert to the intersections of past and present, of continuity and ch...