Robert H., Pharm.D. Chew Robert E. Hales Stuart C. Yudofsky
Whether it is patients' anxiety at being in the physician's office, psychiatric disorders that may impair attention and concentration, skepticism at the effectiveness of medication, or the physician's own busyness, there are varied reasons why patients may not request all of the information they need about a psychiatric medication that is being prescribed or why physicians may not provide it.
What Your Patients Need to Know About Psychiatric Medications, Third Edition, remedies this problem by offering clear, accurate, and accessible information on more than 70 medications from all...
Whether it is patients' anxiety at being in the physician's office, psychiatric disorders that may impair attention and concentration, skepticism a...
David B. Arciniegas Stuart C. Yudofsky Robert E. Hales
Preceded by The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurosciences / edited by Stuart C. Yudofsky, Robert E. Hales. 5th ed. c2008.
Preceded by The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurosciences / edited by Stuart C. Yudofsky, Robert E. Hal...