Desperate lives collide on a cold November night as a yearlong Missouri tale culminates deep in the belly of a decade Ozark storm where one world ends and another begins.
A young man's parents disappear, spilling him into the drug-running streets of Kansas City. He gathers a large sum for his troubles while struggling with addiction, a weak heart, and thoughts of going straight.
An Ozark bootlegger finds instant profit making white crystal in an earthen compound near a ranch close to the Arkansas line. He chases his next payday with a long-wanted murderer watching his back.
Desperate lives collide on a cold November night as a yearlong Missouri tale culminates deep in the belly of a decade Ozark storm where one world e...
Desperate lives collide on a cold November night as a yearlong Missouri tale culminates deep in the belly of a decade Ozark storm where one world ends and another begins.
A young man's parents disappear, spilling him into the drug-running streets of Kansas City. He gathers a large sum for his troubles while struggling with addiction, a weak heart, and thoughts of going straight.
An Ozark bootlegger finds instant profit making white crystal in an earthen compound near a ranch close to the Arkansas line. He chases his next payday with a long-wanted murderer watching his back.
A wealthy...
Desperate lives collide on a cold November night as a yearlong Missouri tale culminates deep in the belly of a decade Ozark storm where one world e...