The Armenian terrorist movement is the subject of Michael Gunter's analysis. Beginning with an introductory overview of recent Armenian terrorist attacks against Turkish diplomats and property and perceived allies of the Turks, he then examines historical motivations and goals of the Armenian terrorist movement. Although the present wave of Armenian terrorism began only in the 1970s, Gunter traces its origins to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He outlines the so-called Armenian question which resulted in deportations and massacres of the Armenians by Turks during World...
The Armenian terrorist movement is the subject of Michael Gunter's analysis. Beginning with an introductory overview of recent Armenian terrorist a...
For the first time in their modern history, the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey at least are cautiously ascending. This is because of two major reasons. (1) In northern Iraq the two U.S. wars against Saddam Hussein have had the fortuitous side effect of helping to create a Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The KRG has become an island of democratic stability, peace, and burgeoning economic progress, as well as an autonomous part of a projected federal, democratic, post-Saddam-Hussein Iraq. If such an Iraq proves impossible to construct, as it well may, the KRG is positioned to become independent....
For the first time in their modern history, the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey at least are cautiously ascending. This is because of two major reasons. (1) ...
An analysis of the Turkish position regarding the Armenian claims of genocide during World War I and the continuing debate over this issue, the author offers an equal examination of each side's historical position. The book asks "what is genocide?" and illustrates that although this is a useful concept to describe such evil events as the Jewish Holocaust in World War II and Rwanda in the 1990s, the term has also been overused, misused, and therefore trivialized by many different groups seeking to demonize their antagonists and win sympathetic approbation for them. The author includes the...
An analysis of the Turkish position regarding the Armenian claims of genocide during World War I and the continuing debate over this issue, the author...