Describes the branch of astronomy in which processes in the universe are investigated with experimental methods employed in particle-physics experiments. After a historical introduction the basics of elementary particles,
Explains particle interactions and the relevant detection techniques, while modern aspects of astroparticle physics are described in a chapter on cosmology.
Provides an orientation in the field of astroparticle physics that many beginners might seek and appreciate because the underlying physics fundamentals are presented with little mathematics, and the...
Describes the branch of astronomy in which processes in the universe are investigated with experimental methods employed in particle-physics experi...
Describes the branch of astronomy in which processes in the universe are investigated with experimental methods employed in particle-physics experiments. After a historical introduction the basics of elementary particles,
Explains particle interactions and the relevant detection techniques, while modern aspects of astroparticle physics are described in a chapter on cosmology.
Provides an orientation in the field of astroparticle physics that many beginners might seek and appreciate because the underlying physics fundamentals are presented with little mathematics, and the...
Describes the branch of astronomy in which processes in the universe are investigated with experimental methods employed in particle-physics experi...
Written by renowned experts, this handbook examines detection techniques in the fields of particle physics, medical imaging and related subjects. It covers basic ideas, the applications of these devices in high-energy physics, and their use in medical imaging.
Written by renowned experts, this handbook examines detection techniques in the fields of particle physics, medical imaging and related subjects. It c...
Das Buch bietet eine an der Praxis ausgerichtete Einfuhrung in den Strahlenschutz und seine physikalischen Grundlagen. Anhand von Beispielen, Ubungsaufgaben und einfachen Experimenten behandelt der Autor die biologische Strahlenwirkung und Quellen der Strahlenbelastung ebenso wie Messmethoden und Fragen der praktischen Umsetzung des Strahlenschutzes. Die vierte Auflage wurde auf den neuesten Stand der Technik gebracht und durch Kapitel uber Kernkraftwerke, Strahlungsquellen und die Effekte nicht-ionisierender Strahlung erganzt.
Das Buch bietet eine an der Praxis ausgerichtete Einfuhrung in den Strahlenschutz und seine physikalischen Grundlagen. Anhand von Beispielen, Ubung...
This book lays the foundations for you to understand all that you always wanted to know about radioactivity. It begins by setting out essential information about the structure of matter, how radiation occurs and how it can be measured. It goes on to explore the substantial benefits of radioactivity through its many applications, and also the possible risks associated with its use.
The field of radioactivity is explained in layman's terms, so that everybody who is interested can improve their understanding of issues such as nuclear power, radiation accidents, medical...
This book lays the foundations for you to understand all that you always wanted to know about radioactivity. It begins by setting out essent...