iSus Angeles Desean Hablar con Usted En Hablando con Su Angel de la Guarda, Barbara Mark y Trudy Griswold le demostraran que mediante el hecho de escribirles a sus angeles y recibir sus mensajes, usted puede tomar la iniciativa y solicitar ayuda, comprension, y amor. Las autores presentan claramente sus cuatro principios basicos para el inicio de esta forma de asistencia espiritual. El libro tambien contiene abundante ensenanzas angelicas poderosamente inspiradoras e historias reales de personas cuya vida cambio tras su contacto con los angeles. Le convencera que los...
iSus Angeles Desean Hablar con Usted En Hablando con Su Angel de la Guarda, Barbara Mark y Trudy Griswold le demostraran que medi...
In this inspiring sequel to "Hablando con Su Angel de la Guarda", Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mark explore the full scope of angels' power to help readers find solutions to everyday problems, as well as more serious concerns
In this inspiring sequel to "Hablando con Su Angel de la Guarda", Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mark explore the full scope of angels' power to help read...
Two years ago, Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold published a remarkable book that showed us how we could reach out to our angels for guidance, comfort, and love. Drawing on the unique angel communication techniques that these two sisters have been teaching in workshops across the nation, Angelspeake has sold more than 45,000 copies to date, and another 15,000 in its Spanish-language edition.Now the authors take us to the next step: calling upon God's messengers for help in solving personal problems and healing. Focusing on the specific steps we can take to solicit angelic intervention in times...
Two years ago, Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold published a remarkable book that showed us how we could reach out to our angels for guidance, comfort, ...