This study addresses the process of developmental change as it occurs in the course of classroom lessons. The book aims to answer such questions as what forms of teacher-student interaction are most effective for producing developmental transformations in children's understanding. It also addresses why knowledge derived from psychological experiments on children's learning and development so often seems irrelevant to classroom teachers and how it is possible to reconcile Piaget's emphasis on the central role of independent intervention and constructive activity with learning theorists'...
This study addresses the process of developmental change as it occurs in the course of classroom lessons. The book aims to answer such questions as wh...
Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students' literacy development remains a challenge for many teachers, especially after the primary grades. Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading presents recommendations for the essential knowledge about the development, acquisition, and teaching of language and literacy skills that teachers need to master and use. This important book is one result of an initiative of the National Academy of Education's Committee on Teacher Education, whose members have been charged with the task of creating a...
Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students' literacy development remains a challenge for many teacher...
Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students' literacy development remains a challenge for many teachers, especially after the primary grades. Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading presents recommendations for the essential knowledge about the development, acquisition, and teaching of language and literacy skills that teachers need to master and use. This important book is one result of an initiative of the National Academy of Education's Committee on Teacher Education, whose members have been charged with the task of creating a...
Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students' literacy development remains a challenge for many teacher...