The purpose of this volume is to interpret and integrate the emerging literature on the significance, development and impact of the working alliance approach in therapy and counselling.
The purpose of this volume is to interpret and integrate the emerging literature on the significance, development and impact of the working alliance a...
Examines the role of affective processes in intimate relationships from the perspectives of various psychotherapeutic traditions. Uses case examples to demonstrate how therapists can address emotion in cognitive-behavioral, systemic, humanistic, experiential, and dynamic ego-analytic approaches. Dis
Examines the role of affective processes in intimate relationships from the perspectives of various psychotherapeutic traditions. Uses case examples t...
The study of psychotherapy has often been limited to the ways in which cognitive and behavioral processes promote personal change. Introducing a ground breaking perspective, Greenberg and Safran's compelling new work argues that the presently-felt experience of emotional material in therapy forms a vital underpinning in the generation of change. By including emotion as a psychotherapeutic catalyst, the book offers a more complete and encompassing approach to the process of psychotherapy than has ever before been available. The book draws from the literature of both clinical and experimental...
The study of psychotherapy has often been limited to the ways in which cognitive and behavioral processes promote personal change. Introducing a groun...
Leslie S. Greenberg Susan M. Johnson Susan M. Johnson
This influential volume provides a comprehensive introduction to emotionally focused therapy (EFT): its theoretical foundations, techniques, and clinical practice. EFT is a structured approach to couple therapy that integrates intrapsychic and interpersonal perspectives to help couples create new, more satisfying interactional patterns. Since the original publication of this book, EFT has been implemented and tested with growing numbers of couples in a wide range of settings. The authors, who codeveloped the approach, illuminate the power of emotional experience in relationships and in the...
This influential volume provides a comprehensive introduction to emotionally focused therapy (EFT): its theoretical foundations, techniques, and clini...
Leslie S. Greenberg Germain Lietaer Jeanne C. Watson
Integrating the work of leading client-centered, gestalt, interpersonal, focusing, and process-oriented therapists, Handbook of Experiential Psychotherapy covers both conceptual foundations and current treatment applications. Contributors present well-articulated approaches to treating depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other problems, emphasizing the need to work with the client's own moment-by-moment experience of disturbing states and processes. The volume delineates a variety of experiential methods--from working with clients to symbolize bodily felt sense, evoke memories, and express intense...
Integrating the work of leading client-centered, gestalt, interpersonal, focusing, and process-oriented therapists, Handbook of Experiential Psychothe...
A practical manual for the emotion-focused treatment (EFT) of depression. With originality and thoroughness, the authors discuss the nature of depression and its treatment, examine the role of emotion, present a schematic model of depression and an overview of the course of treatment, and suggest who might benefit. Includes valuable case examples of the moment by moment process demonstrating how to leverage emotional awareness and thus bring about change.
A practical manual for the emotion-focused treatment (EFT) of depression. With originality and thoroughness, the authors discuss the nature of depress...
In this book, Lynne E. Angus and Leslie S. Greenberg present a groundbreaking, empirically based model that integrates working with narrative and emotion processes in emotion-focused therapy (EFT). Individual chapters describe how the interaction between emotion and narrative creates a constantly evolving sense of self; how clinicians can address both narrative and emotion processes to help clients create more adaptive, empowering meanings and sense of self; and the importance of a strong therapeutic alliance. Engaging, in-depth case studies illustrate how the model can be applied to...
In this book, Lynne E. Angus and Leslie S. Greenberg present a groundbreaking, empirically based model that integrates working with narrative and emot...
Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy gives readers in-depth analysis of what occurs in therapy as practiced according to three different orientations: cognitive, emotion-focused, and psychoanalytic. Leading psychotherapists Leslie S. Greenberg, Nancy McWilliams, and Amy Wenzel explain the theory and principal techniques of their respective models, and specifically how they are applied in the therapy demonstrations shown in the APA DVDs, Three Approaches to Psychotherapy With a Female Client and Three Approaches to Psychotherapy With a Male Client. This book grants readers access to the...
Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy gives readers in-depth analysis of what occurs in therapy as practiced according to three different orient...
Emotionen bewegen§Welche Bedeutung haben Emotionen für Veränderung und Wandel im therapeutischen Prozess? Leslie Greenberg führt als Mitbegründer und bekanntester Vertreter in die Emotionsfokussierte Therapie (EFT) ein. In der vertrauensvollen und unterstützenden therapeutischen Beziehung lernen Klienten ihre Gefühle bewusst wahrzunehmen, die tieferliegende Bedeutung heftiger oder fehlender Gefühlsregungen aufzuspüren und einen gesünderen Umgang mit dem emotionalen Erleben zu entwickeln.
Emotionen bewegen§Welche Bedeutung haben Emotionen für Veränderung und Wandel im therapeutischen Prozess? Leslie Greenberg führt als Mitbegründer...
The therapeutic relationship is essential to positive outcomes of psychotherapy. In this book, Shari Geller and Leslie Greenberg argue that therapeutic presence is the fundamental underlying quality of the therapeutic relationship and, hence, effective therapy. Therapeutic presence is the state of having one's whole self in the encounter with a client by being completely in the moment on a multiplicity of levels -- physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually.Present therapists become aware of both their own experience and that of their client through bodily sensations and emotions,...
The therapeutic relationship is essential to positive outcomes of psychotherapy. In this book, Shari Geller and Leslie Greenberg argue that therapeuti...