With investors flocking to Wall Street in an attempt to beat today's turbulent market, Fabozzi and Grant show you how to stay focused and create a solid equity portfolio in Equity Management. This comprehensive guide ties together modern portfolio theory and the current strategies employed
With investors flocking to Wall Street in an attempt to beat today's turbulent market, Fabozzi and Grant show you how to stay focused and create a sol...
Investors, shareholders, and corporate leaders looking for an edge in today's New Economy are moving beyond traditional accounting yardsticks toward new means of gauging performance and profitability. An increasing number of Wall Street analysts and corporate boards are adopting value-based metrics such as EVA, MVA, and CFROI as a measure of a firm's profitability because these standards adjust for all of the firm's cost of capital - equity as well as debt. James Grant tackled the issue of economic value added in its infancy with Foundations of Economic Value Added - one of the first primers...
Investors, shareholders, and corporate leaders looking for an edge in today's New Economy are moving beyond traditional accounting yardsticks toward n...