Here is a guide to the most beautiful and important sites of geological interest in England and Wales. Grouped by region, with clear topographical and geological maps, it may be used as a field-guide by students of geology and geography, as well as by interested walkers and ramblers.
Here is a guide to the most beautiful and important sites of geological interest in England and Wales. Grouped by region, with clear topographical and...
Physische Geographie ermoglicht als modernes, einfuhrendes Lehrbuch Studenten der Geographie wie der Umweltwissenschaften und der Okologie, die Prozesse der Erde in ihrer gegenseitigen raumlichen und zeitlichen Abhangigkeit zu verstehen. Prufungsrelevante Fakten der Geomorphologie, Klimatologie, Hydrologie, Bodenkunde und Biogeographie sind geschickt in den Stoff eingebunden. Andrew Goudie versteht es dabei meisterhaft, die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Mensch und Umwelt leicht fasslich darzustellen.Die Fulle an klar erorterten Details, die instruktiven Abbildungen sowie die Veranschaulichung...
Physische Geographie ermoglicht als modernes, einfuhrendes Lehrbuch Studenten der Geographie wie der Umweltwissenschaften und der Okologie, die Prozes...
The Anthropocene is a major new concept in the Earth sciences and this book examines the effects on geomorphology within this period. Drawing examples from many different global environments, this comprehensive volume demonstrates that human impact on landforms and land-forming processes is profound, due to various driving forces, including: use of fire; extinction of fauna; development of agriculture, urbanisation, and globalisation; and new methods of harnessing energy. The book explores the ways in which future climate change due to anthropogenic causes may further magnify effects on...
The Anthropocene is a major new concept in the Earth sciences and this book examines the effects on geomorphology within this period. Drawing examples...
This volume provides an overview of the landforms of Namibia. It first offers a general introduction to the geology, climate and climate history of the country, and then presents a series of case studies of intriguing landform sites.
This volume provides an overview of the landforms of Namibia. It first offers a general introduction to the geology, climate and climate history of th...