Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City instantly and permanently changed the landscape of film history. Made at the end of World War II, the film has been credited with initiating a revolution in and reinvention of modern cinema. This volume offers an original overview of the production history of Rome Open City; some of its key images, the complexity of its political dimensions, and the legacy of the film in public consciousness. It serves as an accessible introduction to one of the major achievements of filmmaking.
Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City instantly and permanently changed the landscape of film history. Made at the end of World War II, the film has bee...
Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City instantly and permanently changed the landscape of film history. Made at the end of World War II, the film has been credited with initiating a revolution in and reinvention of modern cinema. This volume offers an original overview of the production history of Rome Open City; some of its key images, the complexity of its political dimensions, and the legacy of the film in public consciousness. It serves as an accessible introduction to one of the major achievements of filmmaking.
Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City instantly and permanently changed the landscape of film history. Made at the end of World War II, the film has bee...
In its ten-year history, the Hitchcock Annual has established itself as a key source of historical information and critical commentary on one of the central figures in film history and arguably one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. Fans of Alfred Hitchcock-both scholars and general readers alike-will be entertained and informed by this selection of writings, which offers an overview of the current thinking on the filmmaker and his work. The articles span his career and cover a wide range of topics from archeological investigations uncovering new details about his...
In its ten-year history, the Hitchcock Annual has established itself as a key source of historical information and critical commentary on one of th...
Even twenty years after his death and nearly fifty or more years after his creative peak, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) is still arguably the most instantly recognizable film director in name, appearance, vision, and voice. Long ago, through a combination of timing, talent, genius, energy, and publicity, he made the key transition from proper noun to adjective that confirms celebrity and true stature. It is a rare film watcher indeed who cannot define -Hitchcockian.-
As the director of such films as Psycho, North by Northwest, Spellbound, Vertigo, Rear...
Even twenty years after his death and nearly fifty or more years after his creative peak, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) is still arguably the most i...
For more than fifteen years the Hitchcock Annual has offered groundbreaking and authoritative scholarship on Hitchcock, becoming the journal of record for Hitchcock studies. Wallflower Press is proud to announce a new partnership with this prestigious publication, resulting in The Hitchcock Annual Anthology, which features contributions from such leading critics as Charles Barr, Thomas Elsaesser, Bill Krohn, Mark Rappaport, Michael Walker, Robin Wood, and Slavoj Zizek. The anthology includes essays on Hitchcock's entire oeuvre, from his early silents to his late American...
For more than fifteen years the Hitchcock Annual has offered groundbreaking and authoritative scholarship on Hitchcock, becoming the journal of...
This collection showcases the best essays from the six issues of film studies' leading platform for Hitchcock scholarship. Contributions include works by Charles Barr, Thomas Elsaesser, Mark Rappaport, Michael Walker, and Slavoj Žižek, among others, covering Hitchcock's entire oeuvre, from his early silent films to his late American masterpieces. It contains an overview of Hitchcock criticism, a screenwriter's forum on "Working with Hitch," and early essays on film by both Hitchcock and Alma Reville.
This collection showcases the best essays from the six issues of film studies' leading platform for Hitchcock scholarship. Contributions include works...